Status: active

Through Pain of Heart or Loss of Mind


Closing the hood of the van after deciding neither of us could solve anything just by looking at all of the confusing wires and metal parts, Amanda decided to look up the closest mechanic on her phone and give them a call.
“They should be here to pick us and the van up in about thirty minutes.” Amanda stated after hanging up with the repair shop.
“Ugh, I hope whatever’s wrong doesn’t take long to fix… or cost too much.” I complained, hopping back into the passenger seat.
About an hour later we were sitting in a dimly lit waiting room that smelled of cigarettes, looking through old magazines waiting to hear the verdict on our van.
After another fifteen minutes a middle-aged balding man who’s blue, greased stained shirt had the name Rick stitched on it walked over to us.
“It’s nothing major, your gas gage is just stuck so it didn’t tell you that you were running low in gas. I’ll have to order another one for you which will take about three days to arrive.”
“Three days?!” Amanda exclaimed just as my phone began to ring. I looked at the screen which displayed a strange number just as Rick apologized for the inconvenience and walked away.
“Hey Purdy girl.” A cocky voice said from the other end.
“What do you want Ashley?” I sighed, already aggeravated.
“I just missed the sound of your lovely voice…” he replied, I could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I’m really not in the mood right now Ashley. Amanda and I’s van broke down and now we’re stuck here for three days while we wait for it to get fixed.” I replied, ending the statement with a tired sigh.
“Where are you guys? We have the next few days off , we’ll come get you.” Ash asked becoming concerned; which was strange coming from someone who does nothing but flirt.
“Don’t worry about it we’ll be fine. We’re just going to find a hotel somewhere around here somewhere and just wait it out.”
“I bet you’d let us come get you if Andy would have asked.” He retorted, the attitude coming out of nowhere.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, confused by the jealous tone in his voice.
Ash cleared his throat and replied, “Nothing, just please tell me where you guys are so we can come get you. I know you would love to see me again.”
Seems like the cocky flirt has returned, “Fine, are you sure the other guys won’t mind?”
Ash promised the others wouldn't mind and said he would make sure fi it would make me feel better. I then gave him the information on where we were located.
“I’ll see you in a couple of hours my little damsel in distress” Ashley said lowly and hung up.
♠ ♠ ♠
all of my professors decided to give me a lot of stuff due around the same time! -_-
I hope y'all enjoyed! Let us know what you think! :)