
November 29, 1999

Dear Keith,

I don't know if you're dead or in a coma or something, but I'm still in California. It's been what? two years? You left me, remember? LA gets boring after that amount of time. The bills stack up, but I haven't got the movie star face to pay them. I had to move out of that apartment and get a more run down one in a bad side of town. You did real good. How's my mom and dad? Are you even still in town? I don't imagine you are. I miss them and you more than I can really say. You know when I used to tell you that home is where my heart is? Yah, well, I'm horribly homesick for you. It sucks. But anyways, thanks for ditching me. I hope that the reason you left for was worth sacrificing my happiness. I have no money and no way back to you. My best friend is a prostitue. This is definitely not what I thought leaving would be like. Oh, and if you forgot about me and found someone else, then fuck you in advance.

Love from Lucy
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I don't know what this is either.