Status: In Progress


Chapter 1

Cassidy P.O.V

I work up feeling groggy as fuck, ok too many drinks last nights. Why’d I let Kendra talk me into going out with her to her friend Josh’s party? I heard snoring next to me I thought it was my dog Bruce since he loves to get in my bed and snore right in my ear. I turned over and had to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust to the sun coming in from the window but that was defiantly not Bruce and this was defiantly not my apartment. So, that was obviously way to many drinks I’m not sure really sure what this guy’s name is but he has a shit load of tattoos and a vaguely remember his name being something like Trevor or Tristan or something along those lines. I stare at his for a bit and slowly start to remember last night:

--Flash Back to night before--

Kendra called me crying at around 8:00 Pm that her and Declan broke up again. Those two can never seem to stay together I said to myself they always break up over the stupidest thing then one of them tries to make the other jealous and they get back together by the end of the week. So I guess this was Kendra trying to get Declan jealous again she asked me if I’d go with her to her friend Josh’s party, I didn’t have much to do so I decided why not go out and enjoy my Friday night, besides if this was one of her tactics get Declan back I should be there to stop her before she takes things too far. I got myself ready for the party, Kendra always drags me to these parties after her and Josh break up and I’m beginning to wonder where she even meets these people. Kendra and I got to the party at around 10:30 and it was in full swing, it was in a pretty nice neighbourhood and the music was blasting but it seemed like a good time. I walked in with Kendra and right away we spotted Declan. He walks over to Kendra with that stupid whipped puppy dog look on his face and I know that I probably won’t be seeing Kendra for the rest of the night but I’m not going to let that stop me from having a good time. Maybe I should try and meet some new people since I’ve lived here for over 6 months and the only person I know is Kendra who’s practically family and Keith who’s Kendra older brother.
This guy walked in and everyone starred at him like he was some sort of celebrity next thing I see is this short little Mexican yelling ‘BROOOOOO you’re back! Haven’t seen you in so long.” Everyone seemed star struck by him whatever I’m going to go on and have fun at the party. I was walking over to grab a beer. “Hey gorgeous I’ll go grab you a beer from the back I heard those guys were putting something into the drinks and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.” I have never met this guy a day in my life but he seems pretty nice not really my type though but he seems like a pretty cool friend. “Ok thanks, my names Cassidy by the way” I started to follow him to the kitchen and he handed me a beer. “Pretty name for a pretty girl. My names Panda.” I could tell he was drunk but I’m pretty sure he was telling the truth about his name being Panda what a stupid name.
“Hey Bruuh who’s this lovely lady?” It was the guy who everyone starred at when he walked in. His ears were so stretched I think I could throw a base ball throw them, “uhm I’m Cassidy.” This guy seemed like he was one of those guys who thought he could get any girl. How annoying. “I’m Travis, nice to meet you” I just get weird vibes from this guy, Not feeling him. “Hey Cassidy want to go dance” Panda asked, sure why not I actually want to be friends with this Panda guy. “ Sure Panda but I’m a pretty shitty dancer so don’t judge.” He laughed and his laugh made me laugh. “Naw girl I would never judge you, I’m a pretty crap dancer too” Travis started laughing “If you want to dance girl you should dance with me, I got the moves like Jager” I’m cringing this guy thinks he’s funny. “Ok Panda let’s go dance. Bye Travis.” I walk away with Panda towards to crowd where everyone’s dancing. “ Hey how’d you get here? Do you need a ride or you do wanna spend the night at my place?” Wow this guys way up front. Like can he kindly get back into the friend zone he was trying to escape. “Panda you seem like an awesome guy but I really just want to be friend.” So I guess I’m doing a pretty good job of putting his in the friend zone. He just laughed again. Man this guy laughs a lot. “Ouch friend zoned. Alright though friends it is!” At least he’s a nice guy most guys get pretty pissed when you try and stick them in the friend zone. “Hope I didn’t bruise your ego to bad there Panda.” I said he seems like a sweet guy I really don’t want to hurt his feelings. “Naw girl I’m good, no hurt feelings” Panda and I went a got a few more beers and then Travis came back. Of course. “Yoo do I get my dance now? Come on Cass don’t leave a man hanging.” Cass? Nobody besides my dad calls me Cass whatever he seems drunk i won’t correct him. I guess I’ll just go dance with him make his night since he’s trying so hard. “Alright Travis lets see your so called awesome moves..” Me and Travis start dancing you’d think someone his size would be really awkward dancer but he wasn’t. He was actually a pretty smooth dancer.
“So you having a good time now Cassidy?” Yeah I guess I am. “Yeah Travis I’m having a great time, you actually aren’t as annoying as I thought.” He just tried to laugh that one off.

-- End Flashback--

One thing led to the next and now I’m here in Bed and his name is Travis. Oops I was always bad with names. I don’t want to be the girl who stays too long since this certainly seemed like a one night stand. I walked around the room and picked up my clothes and got redressed. Obviously things got pretty heated last night. Clothes are thrown everywhere and I got bruises places bruises shouldn’t be. Looking in the mirror I definitely looked like I had a wild night. Well I guess that’s one way to lose your virginity, not my proudest moment.
I got to admit Travis looked pretty cute when he was asleep. I debated leaving my number but then decided I shouldn’t get my hopes up to get a call from him. I was trying to quickly and quietly leave the room without waking up Travis and as soon I reached the door and was about to step out I heard Travis mumble “Cassidy. Stay” I rushed out of there as fast as I could.
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Starting of my first fan fiction! Comment if you want more!!