So Cold.


She sat staring in silent disbelief a familiar heat building behind her eyes as tears distorted her vision, nothing could cloud what was in front of her, the small blue positive symbol seemed to taunt her from behind the plastic window of the test in her hand, with shaking legs she stood carefully from the side of the bath glaring at her self in the mirror as the hazy memories became blindingly clear,

"C'mon I know somewhere we can go"

He whispered tenderly in to her ear, she smiled and knocked back the last of her champagne, the sticky liquid leaving a foul after taste, she took his hand and allowed him to lead her out of a side door, before long she was stood in his hotel room watching him flit around, moving his clothes from the bed and straightening the duvet, he sat down beckoning her over with one finger, she stood in front of him making the elder man look tiny, he placed his hands on the curve of her hips, gently guiding her body on to his lap, she sat comfortably with her arms around his neck, looking in to the lush green of his eyes, her head still spinning, she couldn't remember how much she had to drink but she liked the buzz, knowing it would piss her dad off, he had always been very defensive of her, her heart throbbed in her chest as his soft touch sent electric soaring through her veins, he tucked her cherry wood hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek directing her lips towards his.

She paced the small bathroom praying that in some turn of fate the test would fade to a negative result,a heavy wave of shame and guilt rinsed her body of all other feeling, she had slept with a married man, a father, a co-worker and her fathers best friend.

She still had to work opposite this man, well not for much longer, she had to break the news to her father and step mother and probably had an angry wife to contend with, she sat on the floor of the bathroom and pulled her knees to her chest resting her chin and gently chewing the inside of her cheek mulling over how she was going to tell her father, he had her at a young age after a one night stand, he constantly reminded her of how lucky she was to have him often calling her mother a low life or a waste of skin stoner, she's pretty sure there are other names he has used many times in the past but those are the family friendly variation.

A quick thump on the door caused her to jump snapping her now trailing thoughts off,

"Lily! Hurry up! I need to pee!"

A little voice cried out from the other side, a smile spread across her lips as she stood and shoved the test in to her hoodie pocket knowing as soon as she opened the door she would be faced with West, wriggling on the spot and hoping from foot to foot in a cute comical way, she opened the door wider and stepped out allowing the small boy to dash past, she took a deep breath and walked down in to the kitchen.

He winced slightly as a bead of hot grease spat from the frying pan hit his hand, the smell of bacon caressed his lungs forcing a smile on to his face, aware of another presence in the room he turned slowly to face the door way, a feeling of dread crept in to his stomach as he cast his eyes over his normally pristine eldest daughter, her skin ashen couple with large bags under her eyes and her hair sticking out in odd directions,

"Sweetie? what's wrong?"

He asked quietly taking the frying pan from the heat and taking a small step towards her, the pink tone of her eyes told him she had been crying and not just a few tears, he watched as she shuffled nervously from foot to foot, her head sagging slightly, his heart skipped as she pulled the white plastic test out of her pocket and passed it to him, he held it between his thumb and fore finger hesitant to look down, unable to take his eyes off of the frightened mess in front of him, he glanced down for a few seconds bile rising in his throat as he took a few more steps towards her and pulled her in to his chest wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders as she sobbed quietly, he walked her shaky body over to the breakfast bar and sat her down gently before he set about making coffee and placing the steaming pink mug in front of her, he sat opposite taking her hand and squeezing it gently,

"When? how? who?"

she didn't look up at him as she spoke quietly her voice cracking with emotion

"At the end of season party, we where drunk it just happened it was an accident, I can't do this dad"

"We can find out about...options, but that still doesn't tell me who?"

"I can't tell you, you'll hate me"

"I could never hate you sweetie just tell me the worst has happened now"

"It's Jensen"

The room fell silent as the shock hit him like a high speed train, he rubbed his eyes and sighed heavily,

"We'll get this sorted"