Status: active; updates will be slow

500 Days of Payne

recording studios & video games

Liam soon pulls up in the driveway of my Aunt Meredith’s house, where I forgot I was staying, since I was out all night. Once Liam comes to a slow stop, I look over at him, a confused expression on my face. He starts to remove his keys from the ignition and open the door, his bare arm exposed from the tank top he wore that clung to his built chest. I shake the involuntary thoughts from my mind and pull the passenger side door open so I could get out.

“I’ll uh…be right back,” I tell him and stare over at him.

“Alright, hope you don’t mind if I come up and wait for you…uh, downstairs ‘course. I um…don’t wanna keep the car running for that long,” he replies looking back at me, a small smile on his lips. I nod my head slowly and climb out of the car. I am soon making my way up to the front door of my Aunt Meredith’s house, Liam trailing behind me.

“Whatever…” I mumble as I reach for the door handle and try to push it open. The door doesn’t budge, it was locked. Where the fuck is everyone? I think to myself as I stand in front of the door. After a few minutes, I decide to knock and ring the doorbell.

“Bit impatient, love?” Liam questions with a smile.

I just roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest as I stand there. The longer I – we – continued to stand here; I was growing more impatient, just like Liam said. A few minutes later, which felt more like centuries, the door finally opens.

Peyton stood there, a smile on her face, her blond hair pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head. “Hey Liv; hey Liam! Have a fun night out last night? Seems like you did!” she says, a wide smile on her face as she looks at me then over at Liam who stood beside me a few feet away. I give her a nod and tell her I had a great time, a put-on smile on my face. I really did have a great time, especially since I was around alcohol all night.

“We did have a good time!” Liam interrupted.

“Sure did, Peyton,” I tell her quickly and shift my gaze to the floor. Peyton opens the door wider and steps over to the side so I could walk inside. Liam steps in after me and the door closes.

“Olivia? Is that you, lovely? Thought I heard your voice…” I look over toward the doorway that led down a little ways to the kitchen, to see my Aunt Meredith standing there, a bright smile on her cheery looking face. I couldn’t help but scoff under my breath at how happy she looked. I was never this happy at this time of day since this is the time I’m usually up every day from partying all night. As long as I can remember, I’ve never been a morning person.

“Sorry for um not…calling last night and telling you where I’d be, I uh… crashed on Liam’s couch,” I tell her and shift my gaze away from her.

“Its fine dear. Hope you were responsible, Olivia, your mum’s told me to keep an eye on you,” she looks at me with a stern look that looked very similar to the one my mom gave me. It was totally obvious they were sisters, full blood and all. “Hello there, Liam, how’re you, love?” she asks before making her way over to where we stood, kissing both of my cheeks and hugging me before doing the same with Liam.

“Fine, thanks,” he replies with a smile and returns the gesture. I roll my eyes when their backs were turned away from me.

“I um…I’m going with Liam, he uh…wants me to go with him to the studio since he and the guys have stuff to do I guess. I’m going to go up and change…” I tell the three of them before I begin to head for the stairs so I could go up and change.

“That sounds lovely!” my Aunt Meredith replies, a smile on her face as she looks at Liam. He nods his head and replies with a “Sure is! Our third record,” he finishes, crossing his arms over his chest. I soon make it to the stairs and turn so I could look at them, the three of them standing there talking to one another about something.

“Hurry on now love, need to get goin’ to the studio,” Liam tells me and points to his watch on his wrist telling me to try and hurry best I could. I let out an annoyed sigh from my mouth and roll my eyes as I continue on up the stairs.

“Be back down in a few,” I mutter and head down the hall to the room I was occupying for the time I was here. I walk in the room and shut the door behind me so I could have some privacy. I needed to find something suitable pretty quickly. I hated being on a time crunch, it definitely sucked ass. What the fuck should I wear? I think to myself as I begin to try and find something.

I soon find a black crop top with the Batman logo on it and decide to pair it with a destroyed pair of jean shorts embellished with studs on them and a cardigan to go over the top. I change out of my dress and manage to get out of my heels without tripping which was pretty surprising on my part. After putting some clean lingerie, I put on my outfit, finishing it off with a pair of strappy sandals that were really comfortable I had brought along with me.

I rushed to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth and apply some deodorant along with some berry smelling body spray I loved that smelled great. I didn’t have enough time to shower; I’ll have to take one later. After brushing them, I went straight back to my room so I could grab my purse along with my phone, which I had transferred from the clutch I brought with me last night.

As I head down the stairs, I pull my mess of long blonde hair up into a bun not really caring how it looked. I was glad to have it out of my face at least. I didn’t really give a shit about how I looked right now; at least I looked presentable for the most part. My makeup was all messed up so I decided I would do it once I got in the car, with Liam.

“Love the outfit, Olivia! Looks great on you, don’t think I could ever pull it off,” Peyton tells me with a smile as I approach her and Liam. As I walk back in the front room near the door, I notice Liam smiling at me, his eyes moving up and down my body a few times.

“Thanks, doll. You could totally pull this outfit off, Peyton, you’d fucking kill it,” I tell her with a smile in return.

“I like your shirt, Olivia, I really do. Batman is the shit, he’s my favorite,” Liam tells me with a smile. I smile a bit and look at him, my eyebrows pushed together. He liked the same superhero I did – we had a few things in common already.

“Thanks. No fucking way, he’s mine too!” I reply.

“Ready to go, love?” Liam questions, looking at me, a small smile on his face as he motions for the door with his finger. I nod as he continues to stare at me, his mouth open a bit, his bottom lip between his teeth, his brown eyes locked on mine.

“Don’t wanna catch flies now, do we?” I question, a smirk on my lips as I look at him.

He soon stops whatever the hell he was doing and turns to head for the door. “Uh…s-sorry,” he mumbles and pulls the door open. He turns toward me and motions for me to go through the door. I walk out on to the porch and tell Peyton I’ll see her later.

Soon, Liam and I are off to the recording studio, wherever the hell that was. On the drive to wherever we were headed, Liam and I kept the small talk to a minimum. The majority of the drive, I kept my gaze out the window to keep myself from staring at Liam. He had a really nice built chest from what it seems under the shirt he was wearing that clung to his chest.

Whoa, Olivia! Slow the fuck down there, you hardly even know him… I hear the voice in my mind. If I was being honest, I did want to get to know him. He really wasn’t too bad of a guy, I had to admit. I knew if this ever got out to anyone, especially Jessie, she would give me so much shit for it. I wasn’t even falling for him, was I? I couldn’t be, I mean, I’ve barely met him only a few days ago, like two I think.

I am soon pulled from my thoughts when I hear Liam call my name. I look over at him and mutter a “yeah?” and bring my eyebrows together.

“We’re here at the studio, love,” Liam tells me as he looks over at me, a small smile on his face. I nod my head and turn to look out the window to see we were in front of some building. There were a few other cars beside the one I was in with Liam.

He shuts off the car and pulls his keys from the ignition. “Come on, love,” Liam tells me before climbing out of the car. I get out and grab my purse before slamming the door shut. After I make my way to where he stood on the curb waiting for me, he grabs hold of my wrist and drags me toward the building. I just roll my eyes and follow behind him.

He leads me inside and shuts the door once we got inside. There was a leather couch against a wall and a table with fake looking flowers in a vase and magazines lying over the place. “This way, Olivia,” Liam tells me, bringing my attention to where he stood beside me. He stood in front of a door, his hand on the handle. There was a green light beside the door and he opened it up and stepped through, holding it open for me.

I make a few comments about how the place looked and Liam told me to shush. I just roll my eyes and follow behind him, trying to keep “quiet”. He leads me into a room where there was a leather couch, an ugly looking La-Z-Boy recliner and a soundboard and another enclosed room with a microphone yet another door.

So this is what a recording studio looks like. Not too shabby… I think to myself as I look around the room. Zayn stood in the room, headphones over his ears and sang into the microphone in front of him. He actually sounded pretty good.

“Olivia! You’re here!” I look over to see Niall standing there, a bag of chips in his hand, mouthful of the chips.

I smile a bit, “Hey Irish!” I reply a bit louder, only to be shushed by someone, a guy sitting at the soundboard messing with a few of the controls.

“Sorry,” I exclaim softly and shift my eyes from his. Irish comes forward and embraces me in a hug. I hug him back.

“Liam, you’re up after Zayn’s finished,” a guy with brown wavy hair that looked like Harry’s, said, looking at him before turning to look at me.

“Alright, Julian, sorry ‘bout runnin’ late,” he apologizes to the guy at the soundboard.

“Its fine, Liam,” he replies.

“Olivia, want something to eat? Just sittin’ here with the other lads in the other room playin’ some CoD on Louis’ PS4,” he tells me and leads me toward another doorway that led to an open area. I nod and tell him it would be fun.

“There’s stuff to eat in here too, babe,” Niall says as we walk in the room. There was a couch along the wall and opposite the couch a big flat screen. Harry lay across the couch fully invested in the game, a controller in his lap. I also noticed Louis sitting over on the recliner, a pretty brown haired girl sitting on his lap. I’m sure she had to be his girlfriend.

“Hey there Curly,” I reply and take a seat on the couch beside Irish who continued to munch on chips.

“Hey, love, how’re you today, beautiful?” Harry glances over at me, a smirk on his lips. I roll my eyes and look away from him. “Nice outfit,” he calls out cheekily. I grab a chip from Niall’s bag and toss it at Curly to get him to stop with his stupid remark.

“Thanks for the chip, babe,” he tells me and puts it in his mouth before reaching over to grab a cup from the table in front of him.

“Get your own, Livy,” Niall tells me with a laugh.

“Hello love, how are ya?” Louis says with a smile and a wave. I tell him I was doing pretty good and wave a bit.

“I’m Eleanor, Louis’ girlfriend, nice to meet you, love,” she says kindly with a smile and a slight wave. I tell her it’s nice to meet her too.

“I thought I was your best friend,” I pout and grab another chip and put it in my mouth. He lets out a sigh and mutters a “just this once, Livy, just this once,” he replies.

“Shut up Haz, go back to your game,” Liam says leaning against the doorway. He walks over and plops down on the other side of Niall, resting his arm over the back of the couch. For the next few minutes, I sit and talk with Irish, Louis, Eleanor, Curly and Liam before he goes to the booth to record his part of the song. Zayn soon joins us in the room.

It was actually pretty nice that I sat and talked with them. I could see myself becoming close with Eleanor. She wasn’t like Jessie, though, but it would be nice to have another friend too, I guess. I make a reminder in my ‘Notes’ app on my iPhone to call Jessie later, because I missed her and haven’t talked to her since I got here.
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Here's the next chapter!! Sorry it took me sooo long to update! :/

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