Status: Active!

Haunted Memories

A New Friendship?

I wondered where Laxus had gone; he hadn’t made an entrance when I had lost control of my powers so he wasn’t at the guild then. No matter, he’d pop up sooner or later.

I roll off of my large bed, deciding to have a shower after lying down for the past few hours, bored.
I slip the sash of my kimono off and pause, hearing something faint. I was probably just hearing things I concluded.

No, there it was again.

My eyes widen and I clutch my kimono together tightly, my knuckles turn white and I turn around and press my back up against my dresser. I scan my room, not seeing anything out of the ordinary.
My eyes slide down to look at bed when I hear the voices again.

“Sensei, she’s getting undressed, do I look away now?” I could faintly make out the words.

“Of course you look away, you idiot. Now be quiet or she’ll hear you.” Another squeaky voice whispered harshly back.

Too late, I thought.

I move slowly forward before dropping onto my hands and knees. I bow my head so it’s just hovering off the ground, my butt sticking up in the air.

I face comes out of the shadows and into the partial light and I let out a blood curdling scream. The person realizes I’ve seen them and tries to flee but I had recovered enough from the fright to grab their collar, making them collapse to their butt.

Electro blue hair, blue eyes, a black trench coat with dark clothing beneath it, I immediately knew who it was.

“Azrael!” I hiss. “You’re the one that’s been stalking me?!” I ask, walking around to block the door. I wondered if Laxus knew about it then remembered how I’d told him and he’d brushed it off. “Laxus! He’s been making you follow me hasn’t he?” I question, folding my arms against my chest.

The younger male nods his head slowly and turns away from my sight. “Zato-sensei what do I do now?” The male whispers.

“Apologize you idiot!” A small voice yelps back.

Azrael quickly turns back to face me and bows “S-sorry for the trouble I’ve caused!” He stutters.
I sigh, shaking my hand I wave him off before realizing I’m half undressed and pulling my kimono together and securing it back up.

Azrael Exudo is a strange, socially awkward 19 year old. He’s an S-Class Fairy Tail wizard like me. Barely anyone sees him around Magnolia though, much like Gildarts, he loves to go away on long term missions. Azrael, like Natsu has a fire based fighting style, but unlike Natsu, Azrael isn’t a Dragon Slayer instead, he’s a Legendry Bird Slayer.

Fairy Tail was like one big dysfunctional family however there was a lot we didn’t know about each other, Kei and I are close friends but I know much of his past. I’m not one to talk though, my past is a blur of memories, I can’t decipher what’s real and what isn’t.

I blink out of my daze to find Azrael just staring at me, unsure if he should go or not.

“Let’s be friends, Azrael-kun.” I smile softly as I hold my hand out to him.
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Sorry for not updating in a long time!