Daddy Zayn


"Daddy?" Em squeaked. I turned around from the mirror, and smiled seeing her bed head.

"Hello princess!" I cheered. She yawned and looked at the floor intently; I raised an eyebrow as she bit her lip and mouthed a few things. Niall and Liam crept into the room, the boys begged Simon to allow the guest back into the house. Just while we finish up, it's only fair. They looked at Emily as she finally turned arounf in the bed and scooted backwards, waddling to the suitcase we were sharing. She dug around a bit, before pulling out her clothes and skipping to the bathroom. "Wow." I breathed out.

"She doesn't normally do that, right?" Liam asked. I shook my head. "Wow." I nodded.

I had a dream last night. It was sad. Lou-Lou knows about it. He told me everything would be ok, I didn't tell what it was about though. I did tell Prince Charming though. He says do as it says. Be independent. Whatever that means.


"Hello Princess Emily!" Prince Charming smiled. I smiled and waved my hand. "How are you?"

"Good thank you sir." he smiled and kissed my cheek. I giggled and ran away to find Fairy Godmother. "FAIRY GODMOTHER! FAIRY GODMOTHER!" I screamed as I saw here with Gus and Jaq.

"Why hello Princess Emily! How are you doing today?" I gave her a big hug and smiled.

"Good thank you, do I have anything to do today?" she pulled away and smiled.

"Why yes your magesty, you have a ball to go to!" I squealed and jumped in the air.

"Who all is attending?" I asked with a side smile.

"Why all the princesses madam! Even the kings shall be there!" I squealed. "Go get ready magesty!" I nodded and rushed up the big staircase. I immediately picked my big blue ball gown with all the little sparklies. I threw it on and fish tail braided my hair, before I looked in the mirror. I had both arms. Then my right arm disappeared. I pouted and the magic mirror awoke.

"Oh princess, it's ok. Just remember this: 1. You are beautiful. 2. Prince Charming is lucky to be married to you. 3. You are as independent as women come, I see a bright future ahead of you. 4. The kings are very happy you are ok, your arm is simply a small tear in the fabric of life. 5. Life has ups and downs, you've heard the other princesses' tales. Be prepared for the worst and the best. 6. We love you Emily, never forget that. Now run along, you'll be late." I smiled and kissed his glass forehead before rushing out in my heels to the pumpkin carriage.

"There you are love!" Prince Charming kissed my cheek and took my hand. I cocked my head to the side. "What are you thinking about love?"

"What does independent mean?" he chuckled a bit. He squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Independent means you are your own person and nothing can make you go one way or another. You are independent my princess. The kings are always going to baby you, but you have the chance to stop them. Start acting and doing things on your own, don't let them do all the things they do for you. Understand?" I nod. "Good."


Prince Charming said what he said in the dream is ok. He said I should start today. So I'm picking out my clothes and getting dressed on my own. See what that does.

~~~ZAYN'S POV~~~

Emily skipped out of the bathroom in her pink flower dress and white sneakers. I blinked a few times before shaking my head and crouching down to her level. "Want me to redo your bandages?" she thought for a moment before sighing with a nod. I hesitantly scooped her in my arms and sat her on my lap as I sat down.


"Alright boys, let's hear it." Simon smiled. Emily was watching behind the camera with the man running it. I made eye contact with her and took a deep breathe.


I thought I saw a girl brought to life

She was warm she came around

She was dignified

She showed me what it was to cry

You couldn't be that girl I adored

You don't seem to know or seem to care

What your heart is for

But I don't know her anymore


There's nothing left, I used to cry

My conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine


I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn (I'm already torn)


There's nothing left, I used to cry

Inspiration has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine


I'm torn


I'm torn


Nothing's fine

I'm torn


I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying broken on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn


I'm already

I'm already torn





I looked at Emily, who was smiling widely. The boys and I hooked our arms around each other's shoulders and looked at Simon. He kept a straight face.

"Boys well done. You've made it through." I smiled and we all jumped into a group hug. The red light went off the camera and Emily raced over to us, squeezing in the middle.

"I KNEW YOU COULD DADDY! YOU TOO LOULOU, LILI, HAZZY, AND NINI!" she screamed. I smiled and picked her up, smothering her with kisses as she squealed and squirmed in my arms.