Daddy Zayn

Maybe Doni Should Take Her In?

The day went by quickly. Everyone went through concert procedures and everyone was loving the whole backstage experience. Except for a little two year old, almost three come June. Little Emily was forced to stay with Simon in his - no offense to him or anything - boring office. Pearl wouldn't let me go see her either, she said it was her job to make sure I got ready. She hated it too, it was in her eyes.

"Daddy?" Emily asked as she woke up from her nap, lifting her head from the crook of my neck.

"Yes princess?" I asked carrying her to the bus we were assigned to. Liam was walking ahead of us to keep an eye out for people and opening doors for me.

"I no go play wid Uncle Simon tomowwow?" She asked a bit hopeful. I bit my lip, finally walking onto the bus.

"I'm sorry Em, Daddy has to follow the rules and that means you have to go to Uncle Simon's." I spoke quietly, heading straight for the back room where the bunks are.

"NO! NO! NO!" She screamed, thrashing her little arm around and kicking me.

"Emily, calm down princess." I tried, but she only fell out of my arms. She rushed to the bathroom and locked the door. I ran a hand through my hair and looked to a surprised One Direction. I plopped down on the couch, face down, defeated.

"Zayn?" Liam asked sitting by my back. I lifted my head up, now feeling the tears that fled from my eyes. "Oh Zayn.." He pulled me into a hug, allowing to cry all I want to.

••••LOUIS' POV••••

I walked over to the bathroom, knocking on the door quietly. Emily's loud sobs filled the hallway, joining Zayn's quiet cries. I'm pretty sure everyone felt like crying now. I knocked again, a bit louder this time. She only screamed at me to leave. This isn't our little Emily. I sighed and took off my TOMS. Harry and Niall watched curiously as I lifted the insole and took out my little black box. I put my shoes back on and opened the box to find my lock picking material. I examined the lock on the door and grabbed one of the picks. In two seconds the lock was cracked and I opened the door to see Emily crying by the shower.

"Emily." I quietly called her name. Her head shot up and she got quiet. "C'mere princess." She slowly got out. I scooped her up and carried her out to the living room. "Look how you made Daddy feel Em. He really cares about you and wants you to be happy. I know you thought Uncle Simon's was boring, but at least you're here." She nodded and slowly drifted to sleep. I sighed and carried her to Zayn's bed.

When I walked back to the loving room, I heard the dreaded. "Maybe Doni should take her in?" Zayn mumbled.

"What?" All four of us asked in unison.

"No no no no! She'd be miserable without you Zayn. So would we without her!" I whined.

"Hello boy-" Pearl announced her presence, cutting herself off as she saw our faces. "Is everything alright?" She asked sitting by Li and Z.

"Zayn wants his sister to take Emily in." Harry informed her, she gasped and turned to Zayn.

"Why?" Her voice in pure shock.

"You didn't see her tantrum because I said it was against the rules for her to be at my side during the backstage stuff. She's never done that before..." He whispered, tears starting to trail down his face again.

"Why don't you just get a nanny?" Pearl asked. "Y'know that way she isn't bored with Simon." She explained. Zayn looked at her momentarily before going into full on begging mode.

"Please please please find the perfect person! Pleeeeeeease!" I laughed quietly at the sight. Zayn on his knees with a big ol puppy dog face on and his hair messed up.

"Yes just stop that face!" She laughed, ruffling his hair. He didn't even glare at her! I was shocked, as was Haz.

"Whoa..." We mumbled in unison before everyone disbursed for bed.



Two days later Pearl announced she found the perfect person. I shot up, falling off the couch in the process. Emily, Niall, and Louis went into a fit of giggles and laughs. I glared at the three and looked to Pearl once again.

"Boys meet Vidia Morales." A curvy olive skin toned girl with vivid purple locks and bright blue eyes. Without her heels she'd stand about 5'5" completing her gorgeous looks.

"Hi!" She chirped. Emily ran out the room, I shook my head and sighed.

"I'm sorry about her.." I apologized. She shrugged.

"She's shy, I get that." She smiled.

"So you're qualified?" Liam asked her, she nodded.

"Went to college to become a nanny." She smiled. I nodded.

"You prepared for this?" I asked. She nodded. The boys and I exchanged looks before looking back at her.

"You're hired. Welcome to the family." We all said in unison.