Status: This story is a major work in progress!

The Chosen Ones

Chapter One - Moving Day

The sound of my stupid alarm clock woke me up. I groaned, and slammed my hand on the annoying thing. I groggily opened my eyes. The bright light made me squint until my eyes finally adjusted. The packed boxes all over my room made me frown, as I remembered what today was. Moving Day.
Today was the day I left my home (if you call it that), and began living among the humans. Now my idea of a good time. Today was also the day I met him, the other Chosen One. If the rumors about Devils were true, this was just going to make my day worse.
Wait. Maybe I should start at the beginning. Once upon a time...nah. Those kind of stories always have happy endings don't they? My life won't have a happy ending. Okay let's start all over.
I live in the clouds. My race is called Angels. We look like humans, except for one thing. We have beautiful, white wings made of feathers on our backs. Also as I said before, we live in the clouds. Cities cover almost all the clouds seen in the sky. When it rains it's us getting rid of used water, but you might not want to tell the humans that.
Humans kind of know about us. Rumours of our existence have leaked down. It's gotten to the point where humans thing they become one of us once they die. As if. They also believe that a man named God made them and all of Earth. That isn't even close to true. Since the beginning of our existence, one family has ruled our kind. Their last name being God. So God is just the last name passed down for generations.
We aren't the only race kept a secret from the humans though. There is also the Devils. They are like us except for three things. First thing is instead of white feathery wings, they have wings that are giant versions of bat wings. The second thing is that they live near the core of the Earth where humans say is too hot for anything to live. Really that is just the barrier the Devil's use for protection like we use the clouds. The last major difference is that they are evil.
See, Devil's and Angel's are like guardians of the Earth. We keep good and evil balance. Sometimes it sways more to one side than the other but as long as it is mostly balanced everything is fine. Angels take care of the good while Devils take care of the bad. So we respect each other, but that doesn't mean we like each other! We just know one side can't take complete control.
Sometimes though, the scale starts to lean too much toward the bad side. That's when the necklaces are taken out of their special cases. When each daughter on the Angel side born after that day, and and each son for the Devils, are checked. Barely after being born necklaces are put onto the newborns. A sun necklace for the Angels, and a crescent moon for the Devils. The necklaces somehow sense the blood of the only people who have the ability to defeat the Old One. The Old One is a great source of evil who wants to end all good, and make a whole new kind of evil. Both sides work together to get rid of him, because there is no stopping his return. You'd think the Devils would want it to take over, but they know he'll get rid of them and start fresh and create an evil different from theirs.
Once they find the Chosen One they take them to a special place where they will be raised and trained to defeat the Old One. When the time comes, they will battle the Old One. They have always managed to find him and hurt him enough so that he has to go rest for another hundred years or more. The only problem is, they always end up sacrificing themselves. No one knows why they do it, but it is how it has always been. It seems to me like it is in vain, because the Old One always comes back.
So what makes someone the Chosen One? The power that runs through their veins. The power of the elements. The powers I control. That's right, I'm the Chosen One for the Angel side. Others may think it would be cool to be the Chosen One, but let me tell's not. When I was a newborn my family had me long enough to name me Destiny, and then I was taken away. I was put in a room painted the colors of the elements. Orange for fire, green for earth, blue for water, and gray for air. My own body resembles spirit. This was a way to expose me to the elements even as an infant.
I grew up without my parents, nor no substitute. Usually I was kept in my room with toys and books having to do with the elements, no one playing with me instead. As I got older I was taught the history of the Chosen Ones before me, and of my elemental power. There hadn't been a Chosen One for 300 years, but Angels take good notes. The Old One doesn't show up like every certain amount of years, it is always changing.
Anyways, I also didn't get to go to school, but had private tutors for each subject. So this made it so that I had no friends, except for one person. He lived here in the too because he was the King's son. He was lonely like me, and that made it easy to bond.
At the age of fifteen was when I began learning how to use my elements. It was hard being taught by people who didn't have the powers like me, but we managed. I learned how to aim and throw them at targets, what element is best against what, and anything my instructor could think of. I loved training though, and my instructor was pretty nice too.
Now I am seventeen. The Angels think it's time to make me experience the human world. I'm going to spend senior year at a private human high school. I finally get to go to school like I always wanted, but it has to be with humans. Yeah, I'm not too thrilled.
While other teenagers have exciting lives of going to school, shopping, partying, and sleepovers I am stuck in a place that is raising me to kill myself to people who have experienced more of lifes pleasures than me. For me it's just studying, training, and listening and waiting. I mean, I barely even get to see my only friend anymore! Everyone else also has families to go home too, but not me. Just a room. I crave family.
My mother and father rarely visit me. I'm the one who has to see them on my daily visit of once a month. I feel like I'm a nuisance to their happy lives. Lives content without me. They just dote on my twin sister Patience. When I'm there conversations are short, and I usually end up leaving the house to go for walks by myself, something I enjoy doing at least.
Back to the point. Today is the day I meet the other Chosen One. Our two sides have kept us secret from each other but that ends today. Today is going to be an exciting day, right? No.