Truth Hurts...Literally

Chapter One

That day was actually a really sunny day but other than was miserable for me mostly because that was the day everything started...My high school has the stupidest name but also a fitting one....Popularity High...this high school is the most bitchiest and richest in the world.sigh. As everyone drives up in their expensive cars, I'm walking to school with my 2 best friends, my friends say that this school is just like life...people with money always wins and people like us are always below them. I've gotten used to it since I have been in the same school as them for 3 years...what can I say? Even though I say that I have gotten used to them...I really haven't.....I hate a lot of people at this school....the main ones were Garry and his "peps". They were standing in front of a row of convertibles. Garry is the president of Student Council, the richest person in school...heck his family's the richest in the country!!!sigh. Even though everyone LOVES him, I don't and NEVER will! Garry's huge and it's kinda impossible to get around. Tate, one of my best friend, is always sick of those freaks...she took me and Kari (other best friend) by the arm and pulled us into the crowd, trying to push our way through. I can hear Tate yelling a snob to shove off.sigh.That's when it all started...Garry came over, as he walked everyone was silent and moving out of his way. I thought why the hell is he so special?

He came up and said coldly "What's the fuss about?"

I've never seen him smile before, he always give everyone this he is bored out of his mind and he's lonely...I know I must be crazy cause how can the most popular guy be lonely right?

Tate is the stronger one in our group so she did the talking "Tell your group to back off and let us through" Everyone started to circle around us..

"And why should I do that? I don't even know you...let me guess your names...goth girl, fatty, nerd? haha" Everybody cracked up and for once Tate doesn't know what to say...

" think everyone loves you but guess what? YOUR JUST A JERK WANNABE!" I screamed in his face.

He was shocked that I could even speak...."Ohh i never knew that fatty can speak!! It's always goth girl or th...."

I slapped him. I hope it hurt. Everyone what staring at me with their mouths opened. I really hoped that I didn't make a huge mistake...Garry grabbed my arm and started walking.

He called behind him to his bodyguards "Block those two and NOBODY follows me ok?!"

I really didn't have a clue on what the hell was going on. When I called his name and he turned around really fast and pulled me up against his body, I was staring up at him...It was only then when he was yelling at me through his teeth did I notice that I was holding my breathe....

"Y_o_u s_h_u_t u_p a_n_d f_o_l_l_o_w m_e"

He was scary. I had no other choice but to let him drag me away, away from school, away from my friends and into a forest near the school. It seemed like we had walked for hours. When we did stop, he yanked me forward and I tripped to land on the soil ground.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! huh? hitting me?!" he screamed

I tried to get up but ended up falling forward...on top of Garry. I can feel the heat raising in my cheeks. I got up and I tried to be nice and held my hand out in front of Garry but he just sat there...

"Hey look I'm sorry, I mean falling on you not about slapping you..."

sigh. I didn't even understand myself so why bother? I took one last look at him and started walking towards the ways we came from. Something seems so similar about this I've been here or something...before I could finish my thought, Garry grabbed my hand from behind.

I turned around and asked "What do you want?"

He just stood there looking at me. It was the first time I noticed how warm his eyes looked. I thought to myself "Cat what the hell is wrong with you?! SNAP OUT OF IT!"

"Again what do you want?!" this time I kinda screamed in his face but nothing changed. We just stood there and I was bored out of my mind and had already started to count how many times Garry blinked...

Finally he spoke "Look fatty I want you to get one thing clear...ruin my reputation and I'll make you pay..."

"Why should I care about your rep?" I snapped back

"You know what fatty? Try messing with me again and I'll make your life very, very dangerous..." His warm brown eyes turned...that's so familiar, so scary.....but i snapped out of it soon enough

"Dangerous?haha! Please don't make me laugh!"

His frown turns into this evil smile that make every hair on my body stand on it's end.

"Laughing at me huh? Fatty, you better believe that I can make your hell...and not just hell...a living hell..."

"And how are you gunna do that?"

"Oh don't you worry....starting tomorrow you will be living in hell..."

I shivered, I was scared...I didn't know what to say...I just stood there staring at him with my eyes wide opened...
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Sorry this was so long, the other updates wouldn't be that long...
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Hope to get another chapter out but I might not have time today but I'll try!!!
thanks for reading!!!