Truth Hurts...Literally

Chapter Nine

Max...Max...Max....ah he's wonderful...he's still that sweet guy that I knew years ago...After we had a lunch, he walked me home...that's when the surprise hit me in the face...according the Mr.Johnson, our neighbors, my parents have moved away...and he was so surprised that I was here asking where my parents are...Mr.Johnson handed me a letter and said "Cat this is the letter that your parents left with me just in case someone comes here looking for them..but I never knew that it would be you..."

"uh haha thanks Mr.Johnson...I'll be leaving now...thanks". When I was in the elevator I opened the letter...

To our lovely daughter Cat,
We are so sorry we couldn't say goodbye in person but we think that this is the best for all... Our family is very poor and we'll try to our best to get whatever we can. The richest family in the country, the Timmerberfields, has made a deal with me and your mother...The prince gave me and your sick mother a job overseas. But the condition is that we can't take you with us and you have to go live in their mansion...Cat darling I mean this is a wonderful deal that the Prince as offered...I mean you get to live in a huge mansion and we get to go overseas...darling don't be selfish...think about us...your mom and I need a job and we need money...Anyways hopefully we'll be able to write to you or something like that but....we'll try. Be nice to the Prince. Take care of the Prince.
Father and Mother

I could tell tears were falling down...My parents left! They didn't tell me where the hell they went...I ran out of the elevator and into Max's arms. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see...the breeze outside was cold, Max wrapped his arms around my shoulders. It was such a sweet moment but it ended too fast...I heard the screeching of tires then the slamming of doors...

"What the hell do you think you're doing with MY girlfriend?!"

"Who are you? And who's your girlfriend? There is NO way that Cat's your girlfriend!" Max still had his arms around me...they're so warm...

"Get the hell away from her!! And what did you do to her? I tried to be nice about this fucking situation but your not being nice now are you?!"

"Hey hey! I'm the nice one here! you know that jerk?" I was on the floor already, weeping. Someone was by my side in a flash..he held me close to him and this's Garry..."Garry?" I tried to blink my tears away but it didn't work..

"Cat...I need you to stop crying..."

"Who the hell are you?! Get away from her!" Max screamed from nowhere. Garry softly wiped the tears away and he did it without messing up my makeup..I could finally see..Garry had me in his arms and Max was being blocked off by Garry's bodyguards.

"Max calm's ok" Garry slowly pulled me up and something in my memories snapped...the way that he hurt me..I turned to him with tears in my eyes again

"Garry I hate first embarrassed me in front of the whole class then you told my parents to leave!!!"

I yanked my hand out of his and he looked at me with shock..."Max let's go to your house...John, Joe let him go!" Max came next to me and held my arm to keep me from passing out on him...

"Garry is it? Your obviously a pain for her. This afternoon when I found her, she was already crying and now you make her cry even more? GET OUT OF HER LIFE!!!"

I turned to look at Garry but I could only see his bodyguards blocking him..I turned back, worried...

"John what's wrong with him?" He hesitated before speaking "Cat..come here...I want to show you something..." I walked over without any thought "What's wrong with him?" The worry overflowed me like I never felt was weird, why would I be worried about that jerk?

"Cat...I don't know if we should show you this but I guess we don't have a choice..."

They moved aside and ran to block Max's view...and Garry.... there he was crouched down and with blood dripping down his lips...
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SORRY SORRY that took soooo long im sooooooo sryyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
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