Truth Hurts...Literally

Chapter Ten

I had no idea what's going on..Garry was there on the floor...I kneed down next to him "Garry? What's going on?! Why is there blood on your mouth?"

"Cat...get away from me! I'm VERY dangerous like this!" he said while glaring up with blood shot eyes.

"No Garry! Tell me what the heck is going on! Joe?"

"Cat..the truth is...Prince is a vampire..." Garry snapped up and grabbed Joe by the neck, Joe struggled to keep breathing.."G__a__r__r__y......"

"I told you to shut your mouth! Mostly to her!!" The red in his eyes grew darker...

"Garry drop him now!" With the sound of my voice, Garry dropped Joe to the floor, leaving him gasping for air.

"Garry do you need blood?" His eyes snapped up.

"Cat what are you thinking?! NO Cat NO!!!" But it was too late...I already had a rock in my hand and before he could stop me, I jabbed the rock into the palm of my hand. Blood squirts out and I could see Garry trying his best to control himself.

"Garry go ahead...Don't worry about me...I'll be O.K.!" I was already feeling woozy..."Garry hurry!!! I can still hold myself right now so GO!" The pain is unbearable, I couldn't stand straight. "G-garry..." I fell into his arms and the last thing that I remember was Garry taking my hand and sucking it...........

♥ ♥ ♥

Everything was dark and I could only hear voices...both male....

"You stay away from her!"

"No YOU! Filthy vampire! You stay away from her!"

"Shit! Bastard! Do NOT call me filthy!!!"

"Haha! Don't make me laugh!"

"Grr!!! Leave my Cat alone! She's mine! She'll NEVER pick a werewolf over a vampire! Nor will she pick you over me!!!"

"Puh plez! She can't have a normal family if she's with you! She'll just give birth to the universe's strongest demons!"

"Fuck! Don't call them demons!"

"Hey Hey it's not my fault that she's super powerful! If she chooses to be apart of the werewolf family then we could destroy the vampire line FOREVER"

"So you just want to be with Cat because she can help you destroy us?" In a softer voice "I'm not like you...I love Cat...She's my life...I'll never let you take her!!!"

And that's when the smell of blood hit me.......
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another update..sry it's soo short..
i'll try to update again 2maro
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