Truth Hurts...Literally

Chapter Twelve

"Why am I even here? I don't even know anyone here!" I whined as we got out of the limo. Someone like me shouldn't be here at a party as grand as this!

"Cat don't worry and you're my girlfriend so you have to be here if I am" taking my hand and following the butler into the mansion. When we went into the mansion, the butler announce to the people already inside "The Prince arrives! With his beautiful girlfriend Cat!" Everyone there did a little bow and Garry did a little nod.

"Welcome my Prince!" Katie came dancing over and when she saw me, her face dropped.

"And hi Cat" In the most sourest voice.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Garry asked me whiling completely ignoring Katie.

"I'm fine...hmm...I'm going to go to the restroom.." releasing his hand, I left the two royals alone..the ring of my cell startled me. I checked the caller ID and it was Tate...

Tate: Cat! Where are you? Wanna go to the movies with me and Kari?
Kari: Cat! Heyy!
Me: Hey Tate and Kari..I'm at a royal seven party a.k.a hellhole! I have nothing to do and I know NO ONE!
Kari: O-M-G Are you kidding? I've always wanted to go to one of those!
Tate: Why are you there?
Me: Garry dragged me here...
Tate: Aww too bad! Keep us updated! I'll have my cell on so just call us!
Me: KK! I'll keep you updated! Bye!
Kari: Bye! Luv you Cat!
Tate: Bye! Luv you Cat!
Me: Bye you guys! Luv you too!

Man I want to go to the movies with them...

"Everyone silence!" a voice boomed from the front of the room. It took me a while to swim through the crowds of people but when I finally got to the front, there he was...What the hell is he going to do?!

"Today I am going to make an important announcement ...Today I'm going to be making some changes to the rank of the Royal Seven. First I will be dropping Katie from the Princess to a Follower..." Everyone was whispering omg whats going on? I turned to look at Katie and her was like somebody stabbed a million swords into her heart..haha I bet this is the kind of update Tate and Kari would like to know! Grabbing a glass of strawberry juice and started dialing Tate's number...

Me: Hey Tate!!! I have news!
Tate & Kari: What?
Me: Garry just dropped Katie from the Princess to an Follower!
Tate & Kari: O-M-G!

"And my second change is...from now on...Cat will be the Princess..."

Cat: Oh My God...
Tate & Kari: O-M-G is right!!!

The sound of my glass dropping made everyone look at me...Garry gave me this weird smile and I could hear the sound of Katie's high heels running across the floor till it disappeared...
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short update, i would update more but i have 3 tests 2maro so have to go study...update again 2maro!

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