Truth Hurts...Literally

Chapter 13

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" I asked as soon as we got into the limo.


"What do you mean what?! You fucking made me the PRINCESS!"

"What's wrong with that? It's natural for the girlfriend of the prince to be the princess!"

"I'll tell you what's wrong! You dropped Katie down and I already have a lot of enemies at school! Why in the world would you add another one to the list?! Not to mention a very powerful and rich one!"

"Cat why are you worrying so much about this?"

"You know what Garry?! I can worry about what the hell I want! Driver please stop the car!" The limo came to a stop and I rushed out with him following.

"Stop following me! I can't believe you! I still haven't gotten over the fact that your a vampire and now you make me the princess?!"

"Stop running! Let's talk about it..."

"No you never thought about how I feel!"

"Fine be that way! I'm leaving!"

"Fine with me!" Within seconds I heard the tires squealing...I'm all alone...

♥ ♥ ♥

I turned around and there was nothing but pure black air...

It scared reminded me of all the weird dreams that I've been having...

Once everything calmed down things started to get felt like there was bats flying in the air and fur against my legs...

"Run..." A voice called out. I forced my legs to run as fast as they could.

How can he just leave me?

How can he leave me all alone?

I hate him!

I ran until I had no longer feeling the weird things and finally getting to sit down.

Why does every good moment I get has to be ruined by something un-human?!

The hairs on my neck suddenly rose and the air suddenly became a bit cold..I can feel something brush against my side...a pair of hands or paws or something grabbed my shoulders.

"MAX!!! HELP ME!!!" That was the last thing that I remembered.

♥ ♥ ♥

Garry POV

I don't get why she got so mad just because I made her princess! I just don't get her stubbornness! She thinks I don't care about her? Wait until she finds out that I am probably the only one who cares!

Since she wants to go for a walk, let her be it! I'll just drive back home and then I'll walk back...I never expected anything at all...When she yelled Max's name, man was I pissed!...But she called out for help! I took off running...

What's wrong???

I shouldn't have left her alone!

Wait why the hell is she calling max for help?

Why didn't she yell for me?

I tried to sense her location but I saw nothing. Then the pain hit me like a wave of thunder right into my head.


A girl with pure black hair holding a beautiful lady's hand.

The cute little girl said "Mommy Mommy! Which power are you going to teach me today?"

The lady with the same color hair said "Cathrina darling what ever you want..."

The little girl turned around and her face glowed with beauty.

"Mommy! How do I control my visions?"

"Okay let's work on that today..."

They both familiar...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i haven't updated this story in a long time!
I'm back!