Truth Hurts...Literally

Chapter Two

I just made it in time to homeroom, Tate and Kari were already there waiting for me. Tate is the impatient one...she is walking up and down the rows of chairs and she has a earphone in. I know the only thing that can calm her down is her iPod. Kari is calm and reading a book but I can see in her eyes that she's worried. I really didn't have the energy to deal with anyone right now, I had to hide. Before anyone could see me, I ran. Tears started to run down my face like a river, I didn't care if anyone saw me, I just wanted to cry. Through my blurry eyes I saw him... they have their own hanging place, I've never been inside, only a few has. Only the A-list people could go in. They were walking in....why is the principal with them?! That scared me. What if Garry wants to expel me?!? oh my god! My parents are going to be so disappointed! Everything in my mind started to spin out of control. Everything turned black and I heard Tate yell my name and another male voice yelling for me...that voice sounded so familiar....that voice was from my dreams that I've been having....then I passed out......

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Everything was dark, a full moon above. I was walking in that forest....It was so pretty....that's

when he appeared...he would always appear...dressed in all black, I never could see his face

but somehow I knew he was very, very handsome. He started to walk towards me...Suddenly

there were fangs growing out of his mouth. He continued walking towards me and I continued

backing up. But then in a flash he was right in front of me, giving me that evil seems

so familiar... he leaned down towards my neck and I screamed.......
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