Truth Hurts...Literally

Chapter Seven

It was a dark, dark valley...

I couldn't see anything....

Everything was pitch black...

I knew there was a path ahead of me so I continued was a dead end... I stood there for like 5 minutes...

Suddenly there was a scream....a little girl's scream...I started running towards the sound....

There he was....the guy in all black.

A little girl, maybe around 10, was on her knees begging for her life...he stood over her and I could see the fangs growing out...

He had that evil smile again...

That little girl's screams pierced my ears as his fangs rip through her throat....the blood spilled out.

The smell slammed into my nose, making me wanna puke...when he was done, he threw her lifeless body aside and wiped his mouth and started walking away.

I stared at the poor girl...laying on the cold, cold floor waiting for death to come and collect her soul...but was I wrong....

She got up, she was scary and now with fangs. She saw me and flashed her fangs at me. She started walking my way...

I tried to run but when I turned around, there he was blocking my way.

I tried to scream but he already had his lips on mine.....
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this was so short too but I promise that the next updates will be longer (if there is anymore)
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