Status: Phace 2 - Initiated - Monthly Updates Expected

Dream Gel - Personal Revelations

I had come to the centre, for a treatment. This would include a session of massage. They had claimed it would help me to relax. I guess I can believe them, since massage was widely known to be relaxing. I have enjoyed that, a few times.

I had undressed, stripped naked, now laying nude on the top of the bed, on which I was to have the massage. They had explained, the oil of the massage had to be spread all over my body. My entire body, that is. That'd require complete nudity. I guess I didn't mind.

Massage, I love it, it helped me realise who I am. I'm a very tactile girl. I require bodily contact. Massage the best way of going there. Even if I would have loved, and preferred, if it had been with the additional pleasure, from a personal relation. Only, I'm currently alone. Maybe I have not yet found anyone who enjoy the tactile pleasures as I do? Maybe I need to find myself, in order to find, whom I need to live with?

I had come here, in order to get closer to myself. I had arrived to the conclusion, I may find myself, in my dreams? Not sure why? Yet, it's a possibility, an option, I couldn't afford to pass up.

I now lay, with my belly on the rubber cheat, covering the mattress on the bed, the gurney I lay on. Awaiting the massage.

Feeling her hands on the small of my neck, wet with the oil intended for massage. If only I knew, what the oil had been laced with? Had I turned my back on what's about to come?

Her strong hands, slender and skilled, knowing exactly where to go, working their way from the edge of my neck, just where my hair ended. Slowly, carefully. I felt her fingers working their way, from the centre and down towards the front, then in small circles, as they move down my neck.

She had been working down my spine, which is exactly what she kept doing. Only, she did not stop at the end of my neck, but kept moving down, all the way down to the small of my back, until she had moved all the way to the other end of my spine.

I could feel her hands, her fingers, as she moved up, along the sides of the spine, both right and left. I sense the effects of the oil, she spread on my back, as she work her way up and down, side to side, ever outwards. I feel my skin absorbing the luxurious oil she had picked, as she keeps working her way outwards, all the way out, to the flanks.

There is an untouchable sent from her. I just can't put my fingers to it, I can't grasp, just what it is. What I can sense, is an association, fresh and excitement. Is it what I feel, as I feel her hands on my shoulders? Or I'm assigning the feelings to her, in some way?

Her hands on my shoulders, still rubbing outwards, round and round.

She takes a step back, I couldn't hear it. I just knew, as her hands had vanished from my back. She once more covered her hands in the rejuvenating oil, chosen for me.

Hands, once more back, this time on my right shoulder. Her fingers digging in, palms calmly spreading the oil, all over the skin. Slowly, she moved from the shoulder, down my arm. From the top, the back of my arm, down, out, all the way to the other side, where her fingers meat. I feel her fingers lingering, intertwining. I know she is there, I know where she is. She's too slow to slip away, to slip off, yet too fast to make a single stop, seamless moves, fluidly covering my skin.

She moved over muscle after muscle, slowly, forcefully making me relax. I enjoy the touch, every second, every instant. She moves down my elbow, and further, further down, over and around the wrist, up, and onto my hand, from the top, down to flanks, and the palm. Finger by finger, starting with the thumb. As she had finished the first hand, she quietly, soundlessly move to the other side. I knew she was going over the other arm.

As she had finished the final finger, she was soon down, hands on, on my rear, my rump. From the top, outwards, downwards. A spiral ending on the flank.

I feel her, fingers first, my right leg, on the top of my thigh. All the way down, on the top of my leg, outwards, downwards. Wave upon wave. Back and forth.

The knee was reached, and she moved down the calf, down and out, back and forth. Not missing anything, as she covers my skin with the oil. Oil seeping into every last pore, my skin eagerly, hungrily absorbing every last drop she offered. Soon reaching the heel, moving down and out, spiralling all the way to the other side. Moving down my foot.

Reaching my toes, starting with the inner, larger toe, continuing outwards, until the last toe had been over, covered and utterly relaxed.

Once she had finished my back side, I am relaxed. She had covered almost the entire surface of my skin. Now she slowly, carefully turn me on my back.

Strangely, I'm so relaxed, I barely feel the soft fabric under my back, my legs and arms.

Only now, she move to the top, facing me, looking down at me. My eyes closed. She start on the top, my forehead. Slowly out, down, out and down. Her movements practised to perfection, yet warm, feeling. I know she is there, feeling, touched.

She reached my hair line, under the bangs. From there, she moves down, over my cheeks. Starting anew on the top of my nose, down, out and spiralling.

On my lips, I feel her fingers, the wet sensation of the oil she spread. The relaxation, the pleasure, the joy.

I had not even noticed, her fingers slipping in slightly, into my mouth, between my lips, even into my nostrils, never missing skin. Moving down my chin, over my throat. Following the ridge of my wind pipe. So soft, I barely noticed, yet I knew she did not miss it, enjoying her touch, as she moved over to my chest.

From on top of my nibbles, the high point, on high, teasing my nibbles, the top, then the sides, round and round, spiralling. As her fingers spirals down, I feel myself slipping, spiralling out. I'm conscious, yet the sensation of her fingers, is all I know, all I want, and desire.

Down each jigglie, down and out, spiral continue, reaching my chest, and I feel her fingers, her hands, working.

Ever outwards, downwards. The top of my chest, the flanks. Further down, below my jigglies, down, and to the sides. Up and onto the mound, further and further up, the orchid. Up, in, round and round, spiralling, then in, inside, I know of it, but I can't make myself desiring her to stop. This is where I know no more.

Only now, she finished, in between my legs, and all the way back, slipping in, where she had not been, where I had never had anything, or anyone, yet, it is enjoyable. It's her, her fingers. Soft, gentle. Loving, caring. She slip out.

She placed me on another, regular bed.

“Time to sleep!” she told me.

“Ah, yes!” I responded, eyes already closed.

“Sleep tight. Sweet Dreams. By tomorrow, we'll know!” she stated, as I slowly drifted off, and into a deep slumber.

Then I'm fast asleep. The day at an end.
  1. Revelation - Awakening:
  2. Day Light:
    A day of tests, with the promise, as conclusion.