The Correlation Between Peppermint and Eyeliner

No Longer A Misfit

Hey, y'all! I just wrote this and it's a big, juicy, important chapter, and it will be very, very, good! lol Well, in this chapter, you might start off with the urge to kill me. But, I swear, you'll like it. I had had this planned from the beginning, and it was the reason why I came up with the story in the first place. So, I really hope you like it. Although I was disappointed, because I only got one comment on my last chapter, and that was AFTER like a three or four days. I hope you reading this sooner than three days. Magic is in this chapter. Not like, a wand-and-spells type magic. Just, go read the damn chapter befre I give it all away! Go, Go, SHOO! (Oh, and help yourself to my Sexy European Exotic Go Go Dancer on your way out...)

Part 16: Big Suprize....

Billie looked over at Tre, who was rambling on about something, what it was, Billie didn’t know. He had other things on his mind.
This morning when he woke up, he realized that it was Tuesday. And then it hit him. Hard.
They had to leave Texas in two days. Then he thought about what he had been attached to the last four days. Alex.
To tell you the truth, Billie had gotten so caught up with her that he had totally forgotten about the tour. And the schedule. In two days, the band was scheduled to go to Colorado and do a few concerts, and then they would be able to take a break. But that would be a few weeks that they would be in Colorado.
The thought of just leaving Alex made his mind bobble up and down. He couldn’t possibly just leave her behind, and leave her to be another Whatsername. No, no, he couldn’t, because that wouldn’t be fair to her, or him. He was beginning to feel more of a connection with her, more of an attraction. It was an indescribable way that he felt about her. It was like he had known her, and she was what he wrote about in those songs. She was everything he could possibly imagine.
Billie felt the urge to almost quote a song that he had once made fun of with Tre. It was a song called Kiss by Prince. Oh, Lord. No, it couldn’t be stopped. He found himself humming “You don’t have to be rich, to be my girl…”
He could hear himself say, No! No way am I going to bring in a Prince song!
But then again, he continued to have the push for bursting out singing, “You don’t have to be cool, to rule my world….” But he hummed it instead.
“Billie? Billie! Bidj!”
Billie snapped out from his thoughts and came to the realization that he was, indeed, humming a Prince song.
“What?” he looked up and found Tre staring straight at him.
“You’re humming a Prince song.”
Billie took a breath. “Oh, fuck. I need to take a walk.” He sighed.

Billie was a few blocks around the corner, walking down the sidewalks when he heard his phone ring.
Kind for a Day! Princess by dawn! (Tre and Mike had always told him how lame it was for him to have his own song for a ring tone, but he kept it anyway.)
“Hey, Bill. Listen, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.” It was Mike. Oh, dear Lord, this can’t be good, Billie thought.
“Okay, um, I want bad news first.”
“Ol’right, well, Rob called and told us that we have to leave Texas tomorrow, and go do another gig somewhere in New Mexico.”
Billie’s heart sank into a pit of hot lava. No, no, no. That would mean- leaving Alex sooner than two days, he thought.
“Billie? Are you still there?” Mike asked after a few seconds of silence.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here.”
“Okay, the good news is that we get to go home sooner.”
Billie wasn’t looking foreword to going back home, living alone inside his home, with no one there. No Alex.
“Yeah, okay. Listen, I’ll be home later, ‘kay?”
“Yeah. See ya then.”
Billie clicked END on his phone.
He stopped dead in his tracks, thinking about what Mike had just told him. He couldn’t possibly leave Alex, could he?


Alex had the pencil in her mouth, staring at the notebook page of her journal, Soul Seducer.
She had had the feeling of something so beyond description that she just had the urge to write about it, only coming to find that she couldn’t put words to it.
She heard stomping down the hallway outside the door. She looked up at the ceiling. “Why, Jen, why do you drink so much coffee?” she laughed, knowing that the stomps were from Jen’s Starbucks fix.
She counted down with her fingers starting at three. Three. Two. One. And at the moment where Alex’s first finger went down in her fist, the door of their apartment burst open.
“ALEX! Alex! Alex, guess what?!” she shouted very excitedly.
“What?” Alex’s eyes were wide.
Alex raised an eyebrow. “Your what hurts?”
“Alex! My director just told me that I got promoted and I’m going to go and work for another branch in New York!” Jen jumped up and down
“Oh, my God! Jen, that’s great!” Alex jumped along with her.
“I have to go call mom!” Jen raced out of the door. Alex laughed. Jen, always thinking of her momma.
Then Alex realized something that Jen probably was too excited to think about.


Alex heard her cell phone ring across the room. She snapped out of her daydream and wiped the tears that had fallen down her cheeks. She sniffed and cleared her throat, trying to make herself sound presentable.
“Hello?” she said a little less brightly then she wanted to.
“Hey, Alex. I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk or something.” It was Billie, who seemed a little preoccupied with his thoughts.
Alex paused for a second, and then finally deciding that she needed some fresh air.
“Yeah, yeah. Okay. Um, where you at?”
“Outside your building.” He laughed.
She laughed back. “I’ll be down in a sec.”
And she hung up. She rushed over to the mirror in the bathroom, and thought to herself, God, I look horrible. Her eyeliner and mascara were smeared all down her cheek, her hair in a complete mess. She quickly reached for her face wash and put it on, and then rinsed it off. She ran a brush through her hair, and reapplied her eye makeup. She looked at herself a final time, hoping it was convincing.
She grabbed her key and phone, and headed out the door to go see Billie.

She got downstairs and saw Billie standing there, waiting for her. She smiled, still putting on the show. She couldn’t help but feel so worried and sad on the inside, so she tried her absolute best to convince everyone else she was just fine.
Billie looked at her. “What’s wrong?”
Alex’s show was obviously not that persuading. Alex smiled. “What? Nothing.” She quickly said, shaking her head.
“You’re lying,” he started to walk when she took a step down the sidewalk.
“Nothing’s wrong!” she was really, really trying to keep herself from breaking down right then and there.
He stopped and looked at her with his emerald eyes. She couldn’t lie to him. It wouldn’t be nice. And besides, if he’s taking the time to want to listen to her problems, she might as well give him something to listen to.
She stared up at him. Her eyes were in a sad and pleading gaze, her smile beginning to force itself back to a sad crying pout.
She took a deep breath and sniffed. “JengotpromotedandnowIdon’thavenoplacetogobecauseI’mpoorandIcan’taffordtogetmyownapartment!” she said really, really shrilly and fast.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that,” he looked at her face, which was on the verge of a total break down, and he knew it was something serious.
“Jen got promoted.” She sniffed and tears began swelling deep behind her eyes. “To New York.”
Billie still listened, not sure of where this was going.
“And now, I don’t got… I don’t got no place to go.”
A tear came down her cheek. Billie brushed it away with his thumb and pulled her tight against his chest.
Something had hit him, an uncontrollable feeling that gave him the urge to do something unpredictable.
And without due consideration, (well, not in a bad way), Billie held her out in front of him.
“Come with me.”
Alex looked at him with disbelief and puzzlement. Had he just asked her to go with him?
She sniffed and wiped her face, smearing her eyeliner in the process. “Oh, Billie, I couldn’t do that.” She smiled.
“Why not?” he asked.
“Because… I’ve got a job, and a life here and-“
“Please…” he practically begged. “Come with us.”
Her stare froze on him. He was really serious. “Just pack everything up?” She asked. Could she? Just pack everything up?
“Yeah,” he shrugged and smiled.
She took a few steps, concentrating on what he just implied.
“What about the tour? And Tre and Mike-“
“They both like you, they’d be happy!” he was getting a bit more excited, now that she was actually considering this.
“I-I-“ she was still struck by the moment. “Yes!”
Billie stopped dead in his converse turned on his heel and picked her up by her waist. He swirled around, her giggling and their eyes meeting.
He stopped but still held her off the ground, gazing into her deep green eyes, as he slowly got closer to her face. Their lips softly connected, sending fireworks through their veins. This moment, this second, was passing so passionately, that she finally felt like she belonged somewhere, and she was no longer a misfit, but fit in, right inside Billie’s arms. Forever.

*OMG! I had the best time writing this chapter! I've waited since the PROLOGUE to write this. I was so excited, I wrote it and rewrote and rewrote it again in my journals like, 5 times so I could get an idea of what I wanted to do. This chapter was a bit longer, but that should be okay. lol Of course it is.
Now, where did you put my Fifi?