Status: This one is a fluff so no worries

How We Once Were

Never again

My fingers danced around my piano's keys. Heaven's Lullaby playing in it's beautiful tone that only it knows. Each stroke of the key, each sound it makes, each beautiful note flowing from my memory from my heart. Just like when I first met the only angel in my life. No I mustn't think about him. Focus. They're all watching me. My fingers flew to a new melody. No name to this one that I could find, but beautiful as can be.

"Thank you Sung chung ae. We will get back to you in a week." His eyes glistened with interest. I didn't know the band I was auditioning for. All I knew is that they needed a pianist and I needed a job. This band's name is U-Kiss and though they had piano players in the band, they were to busy with vocal recordings and dance practice to record the piano.

"Thank you for your time." I bowed to show my thanks and respect and left for the next person for their turn to audition. Some of the people, well the four other girls, were kind of just staring at me. Hm must be my outfit ( I ignored them and proceeded on with leaving and making my way home. Once I walked in the door I went to my room and changed into basic jeans a t-shirt and into the "uniform" for my "job". Just for money I worked in a grocery store that payed little more than I need so it was all right. My only problem is is that the area it's placed is the worst part of our little town. Thugs, rapists, murders, and so much more than I could possibly tell you live and thrive here.

I made my way to the small store and got in quickly, glad that I had not been noticed by any possible creeps. "Annyeonghaseyo Sung~!" Her voice stumbled over the greeting in the language that her tongue is not native to.

"Annyeonghaseyo Jenn. How has the day been going?" Her eyes brightened at the mention of her work. This girl had guys all over her all the time and yet she doesn't know why. She was told it was her looks and she just waved a hand saying that the idea was impossible. ( She's honestly a stunning young lady and she doesn't know it. Heh ignorance is bliss I suppose. Her outfit showed that not only did she change here but she was also leaving. (

"SLOW as usual. How was your audition? I bet you did GREAT!" I chuckled at her perky excitement. She was my biggest supporter and number one "fan". Which meant she's my only fan.

"They said they'd call me in a week. As for how I did, I did the best I could."

"Which is all that counts." I looked to our coworker Yuri Kazamasa who to was leaving. She too seemed to be a guy magnate ( She is the opposite of the girly Jenn and wore more rock, goth, I'm not sure what to call it but it works for her. Her outfit was holding to her in just the right places (

"Exactly. I'm sure you'll get the job though." My sister walked in just in time to hear our conversation. ( Eun is her name. She is a great sister. She took me in after our parents abandoned me on the street. I'm guessing she's changing here because she's still in her regular cloths. (

"I know. I'm happy with how I did." I walked away and got to my register and hit the on light. Eun did the same but much farther away from me. Within a few moments of standing there bored to tears a group of young men walked up to my register.

"Hey there's an open one." One said excitedly. His voice sounds familiar.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I greeted happily to the rather tired boys. One walked up and did a double take tword me.

"Hey didn't you audition like 15 minutes ago?" My gosh it was the leader of that band I auditioned for. Um what was his name again? Umm ah Soohyun was his name.

"Ye." I kept my tone sweet. One boy stared at me as though he was trying to figure something out. Luckily I had to check out their items which kept me from asking him what was wrong. As I finished scanning I bagged it up and waited as Soohyun paid.

"Thank you!" all seven voices rang out as they left. I just bowed in response asking them to come again like our manager forces us to.

What was with that one guy and why did he look like someone I know...? Never mind that. I finished my shift quickly and went home with Eun.

The next day we went shopping for an outfit for the U-Kiss concert tomorrow. Eun picked something just perfect for her. ( ) My outfit was nice and not a dress hahaha. ( Well. This should be fun.
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Sorry for all the pictures >_> I didn't plan ahead to well *bows*