Silent Words

Such beauty that one has never seen, the glowing oceanic blue, the perfect height, the warmth of their hands combined... and yet they quietly drift past, each not knowing them-self yet, the only way we find out is through the pain, happiness and sadness....
Sometimes she closes her eyes, just for a minute. For one short minute she’s flying, not drowning. Her shining translucent wings wrapped around her in a warm embrace, she had never imagined this. She had never imagined a world that had no place for her, a world where she felt alone and unwanted. Blissfully the girl inside crawled out of her and danced, creating a vision that almost, made her smile.
The high wore off and the girl danced into a haze, fading away into the darkness once again.
As the haze became clear the monster approached, it dragged her bruised and broken body towards her so called home. The eyes glowed yellow; the claws were sharp and large. The trees blurred at how fast they were walking; the wind was whistling and her eyes watered. Soon enough, too soon, they were back to the terrible place.
Suddenly! She could have sworn she hear voices calling her. “Alexa! Alexa, hunny wake up! Alexa darling I need you to wake up for me!” And another voice called. “Alexa, you’re safe. It is okay. You’re safe now.” His rough, strong arms encircled her small fragile body as he scooped her up and cradled her as if he were his own. Heck, he was practically her father, which was how she saw him. Her protector, comforter and safety blanket. This is not where the story starts though.
  1. one
    early dawning
  2. two
    the worst is yet to come
  3. three
    calm after the storm
  4. four
    life gets better?