Status: who knows where we will go...

Can You Save Me Now?

Home Sick

Angies point of view

I can't stop the feeling in my stomach as it turns. I have spent all day bent over the toilet spewing my guts. As if I wasn't sick enough the amount of liquor I consumed was just adding to it. After 3 years, I finally take a day off work, and for what? This stupid stomach flu! Ach!

I remember the reasons I threw myself so into my work. It started 8 months before Erik died. The day I met Tom. The tall blonde man who caused my marriage to fail, by pulling me into the sick ways of lust. The lust that I have grown so much to love over all theses years. It was the stupidest thing I ever did. I lost my darling husband in two way. The heartbreaking defeat of cheating it had on him and then his true death only two years back. So here I sit misery, because I managed to shut out everyone, and all the care someone could have for me. Its depressing really if you think about it, thats why I dont.

Its already 10:56 on a saturday morning and all I can do is vomit and shots of tequila. "Mom?!! What the crap are you doing here", Molly Marie shouted(but she didnt use the word crap, if you know what I mean.) Sometimes I forgot I had a seventeen year old daughter, I never really got to see her grow up. When she slammed the bathroom door shut and I heared her mutter to someone that they were leaving, I though I might never get the cahnce to either.

What I have I done.I screwed up everything. I dont know why its the first time I dawned on me, maybe its because it the first time I saw what I was missing out on, but I wanted to fix things. Or at least the best that I can. Starting with MY Molly Marie
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So if it sounds so rushed. :( I just have all these ideas rushing through my brain at once. But I hope you still enjoy the little mix up. Happy new years guys. And for those of you that read...JUMPING JACKS! ;)