Status: who knows where we will go...

Can You Save Me Now?

I couldn't help it.

We drove there in silence, and I didn't push it, unsure of what her reaction would be. I didn't expect her to drive me in the first place, since we've rarely ever talked before. I wasn't going to complain, though. Being driven around by a pretty girl isn't something to moan and groan about. I lean my head against the window, closing my eyes for a few minutes, until we reached our destination. We were in the woods, though, I couldn't see anything of importance, or the reason why we came here, specifically.

Molly Marie jumped out, surprising me, and I sat frozen in my seat for a moment before realizing that I should probably follow. She ran fast, and I nearly hurt myself, scrambling out of the car to catch up with her. I called out for her once or twice, but she never looked back. I cursed under my breath, forcing my legs to run faster.

I finally found myself standing in front of an old tree house, hands on my knees, searching for breath. I figured she was in here, as there weren't many other places to go, as far as I could see. I climbed up the ladder, sighing inwardly out of relief when I saw her sitting in a bean bag chair, enthralled by whatever book she'd been reading.

I sat beside M&M, apparently scaring her. I couldn't help but grin when she tried to cover up her almost-curse. I only then realized how close to the edge I was sitting, but decided not to bother with it. It wasn't like I was going to be doing jumping jacks in here.

"So what's up, Q.T.?"

She rose a brow. "Q.T.?"

I laughed. "You know, Queen Thing?"

"Oh, you're so funny," she replied with a frown, but I didn't let it get to me.

"I thought so. That's why I'm laughing."

Molly Marie fell silent, and I flinched, wondering what it was that I had said. The nickname couldn't have annoyed her that much, right? After all, she was the one who started it, calling me "Hot Shot."

"Molly," I lowered my voice to a whisper, talking slowly. "What are you thinking about?"

She hesitated, obviously debating on whether or not she should tell me what was on her mind. "My dad, he helped me build this, and then... and then..." I took her hand, almost without realizing it myself, rubbing my thumb over her skin. I ended up tracing invisible infinity signs.

"Carter, I..."

I couldn't do it. I couldn't hold myself back this time. When I looked up, I met her gaze. Her wonderfully beautiful gaze, and the way she looked at me as if we were the only two people who mattered. She closed her eyes, then, and I interrupted her, pressing my lips gently to hers. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but... being pushed out of the tree house? Nope. Didn't expect that.

I tried to land easily, but with such short reaction time, I landed awkwardly on my back. A sharp pain shot through my torso, and I wasn't sure if anything was broken or not. Molly Marie rushed down, apologizing, but I only forced a smile and sat myself up. It couldn't be that bad, I decided, if I could support myself as I was now. Still, the pain was pretty bad. "Ouch, ouch, ouch."

Molly helped me to the car, and I let myself lean on her, though not too much. I wasn't sure if she was as strong as she hoped she was in that moment. "I'm really sorry," she finally said, after I sat down in the car.

"I'm not," I replied immediately, and, with my good hand that hadn't cushioned my fall, pulled her down and kissed her.

I couldn't help it.
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Hey guys! I'm gonna be helping onlyme_1998 with this story, writing for Carter. I hope you guys like it!