The Fast Times

Twenty Three

Dale arrived 6 minutes after getting off the phone with Nancy. She was halted due to the moving vans, forcing her to park across the street. She hurried across the wet street, pulling her coat closer to her body to warn away the frigid air. Dale shot up the short steps and into the house, meeting Darla, who wasn't about to listen to Dale. Immediately Darla had shot her hand up, "Dale, I have it all under control."

Dale ignored her and continued up the stairs. She even pushed Norman out of the way of Nancy's door, "Nancy, open up, it's Dale."

Nancy was hesitant at first. Through her blurry eyes she stared at the door. She sniffed and opened the door slowly. As soon as she saw Dale, she rushed into her arms, wrapping her own around Dale. Nancy sobbed against Dale's chest, repeating how sorry she was for it.

Dale only hushed her and rubbed her back, "Honey, don't work yourself up, you have a baby to think about."

Nancy sniffed and pulled away, "I'm sorry, but they're taking everything that was my grandma's!"

"We have to sell the house," Norman explained. "We're sorry, Cy--"

"You're not sorry!" Nancy sobbed, ripping away from Dale. "You're doing this to punish me!"

"No we aren't," Norman exasperated. "We have to--"

"Shut up!" Nancy shouted at the top of her lungs, "I hate you! I hate you and I hate you, Darla!"

Dale grabbed Nancy; Darla shot her way upstairs, "You hate me?"

"Yes!" Nancy shouted again. "You're trying to rip my life apart because I want my baby! Screw you!"

Dale shushed Nancy, "I'm gonna take her home. We'll talk afterward."

Darla just glared at her niece, moving aside so Dale could take Nancy out the house. She escorted Nancy to her car, set her inside and then went around the driver side and got in. She immediately drove off, "Oh, Nancy, you need to calm down."

Nancy was breathing heavily and beginning to cry, "How can they be so cruel? They didn't even tell me they were taking her stuff," she sobbed and sniffed, "I was the one who took care of her. I made sure she ate and bathed and took her meds. I was there, not them."

"I know, honey, I know," Dale patted her knee. "I'll talk to them, in the meantime, you're going to calm down, eat and nap. Tomorrow I'm going to take you to the doctor to see why you're so sick. I wouldn't be surprised if stress was causing all this."

Nancy sniffled again, "I'm sorry I'm such a burden. I'm...really sorry for messing up everything."

"You didn't mess up anything, Nancy," Dale exhaled. "This is just a little hurdle in life that we all have to get over. I love you and that baby like one of my own, so I'm going to take care of you like you're my own."

"Thank you," Nancy murmured."

"You're welcome, honey."

Pete was in the middle of hearing the rumors about himself and Nancy. Rumors that they had sex in school and got caught and now Nancy was pregnant. The other rumor was the baby wasn't his, but an array of his friends - as he heard it. Pete tried not to pay any mind to it, until he was called up to the principal's office before his last period. Pete dragged ass up to the office and was told to sit and wait for Mr. Logan.

A girl who had been in a group of friends with Nancy was seated across from him and staring. Pete cocked a brow, "What?" He snapped at her.

The girl shook her long dark hair over her shoulder and opened her mouth, "You knocked up Nancy Durden?"

Pete growled, "Whats it to you?"

"Heard it's really Chip Taylor's."

Pete flipped her off, rolled his eyes and tapped his foot on the linoleum; the girls scoffed at him. After a few more moments the overweight and balding Mr. Logan appeared, "Come with me Pete."

Pete stood and followed after Mr. Logan. Pete sighed as they entered the office, "Have a seat."

Pete sat across from him, his hands folding in his lap. Mr. Logan let out his own sigh, "Okay, Pete, what's going on here? What's this rumor I hear about you and Nancy Durden having intercourse in gym class causing her to become pregnant?"

Pete shook his head, "We didn't do it at school, Mr. Logan," he explained, "it was an accident, we were intoxicated, it happened at a Halloween party."

"So, Nancy Durden is pregnant?"

Pete nodded slowly, "Yeah, it's mine."

Mr. Logan again sighed, "What's going on between you two?"

"Nancy's livin' with me, her grandma just died and her aunt and uncle live in St. Louis and won't talk to her unless she gives up the baby."

"This is a big mess," Mr. Logan replied. "Your family is looking out for the both of you?"


"What about school? You recently were accepted into Columbia with a full ride," he said while adjusting his tie.

Pete let out a sigh, "Nancy and our baby are gonna come with me. I can save all my money on a babysitter while Nancy finishes school. We'll be okay," he tried to assure this.

"You've all planned this?"

"Yeah," Pete gave a nod. "We're gonna make this work."

"When's she due?"


Mr. Logan grabbed his notebook and began to write, "Since you two have it covered, I'm going to make sure Nancy can graduate. I can possibly work out getting her to graduate early. She's a smart girl--"

"Yeah! Cy totally is!" Pete added quickly.

Mr. Logan's plump face lit up with a smile, "I'll see what I can work out. Until then, I don't want any fighting or anything going around with these rumors, you understand?"

Pete nodded quickly, "Yes sir."

"You get back to class," Mr. Logan gave him a pass. "Good luck, Pete."


Pete left the office feeling a million times better despite the rumors. He couldn't wait to get home and tell his mom and Nancy everything.

After Dale made sure Nancy was fed and napping, she returned to her former home. She had made arrangements to store Nancy's things in a storage facility for her so she'd have her things when she would have her own home. Dale was ready to take all that Nancy had, even if it meant getting into an argument with Darla.

Darla had been livid after Nancy had left. She even broke a vase out of anger. She wanted to hurt her niece, out of spite; she even sped up the arrangements for Alma's funeral, cremating her instead of a burial. Norman had to stop her and force her to calm down before he left to pack Alma's things into storage. The anger had subsided until Dale arrived with a couple of empty brown boxes.

Darla had shot up when Dale entered, "Where's that ungrateful little bitch?" She sneered.

"Nancy is at home getting rest like she's supposed to," Dale answered as she set the empty boxes down. "Now, why are you so cruel to her? What has been done other than make a mistake like so many other teenagers do?"

Darla's anger was slow to fully rise, "She's ruining her life. She could've gone to college."

"She still can, she has me and our family supporting her. I'm going to be there for her and my grand-baby so she can get her life started off right."

Darla's jaw slacked, "How could you support this?!"

Dale shook her head at Darla's outburst, "I had a choice, and I was young once. I made bad decisions, and I always wished someone was there to help me through it...I don't want my kids to go through having to wish that; and Nancy is a sweetheart and all she wants is support, love and a little help -I'm going to give it to her if no one else will."

Darla frowned, "Then you know what? She's your problem now. This was my mother's home, I'm going to do what I want with it."

"Fine with me. I've arranged for my brother to pick up and store Nancy's things. He's just waiting for me to call."

Darla sneered again, "Take her shit, I don't care. That ungrateful little slut doesn't deserve half of the things we gave her."

Dale exasperated angrily, "Why do you all call her a slut? She slept with my son, only my son! She's not a slut, Nancy's just a sweet girl who needs help."

"She should've kept her legs closed," Darla shot back.

Dale placed her hands on her hips, "I feel so sorry for you, Darla. You won't get to know your great niece or nephew all because you couldn't get your way. You won't see Nancy and that baby grow up and become great people, and that makes me feel sad for you. You must have ice in your veins."

Dale didn't wait for Darla to retort or possibly shout, she just trekked her way upstairs with the empty boxes. She entered Nancy's room and began to pack her clothing.