Status: This is part 1 of a 3 part series. Hoping to have it picked up and turned into a film.

The Key

int. ashamed: school lunch room - continued

int. ashamed: school lunch room - continued

Shaun is eating at a lunch table. His bible is beside him.

A girl named Liela is with her friends at another lunch table.

Gary calls Shaun a Jesus freak from his table. Some of the kids laugh.

Shaun continues as he was.

Gary tries to test Shaun more and kids continue to laugh.

Liela notices and looks over.

A teacher patrolling the lunch room tells them to settle down.

That same teacher is called by another teacher out of view.

A past conversation between Shaun and Mrs.Paschar occur in Shaun's thoughts.

Mrs. Paschar

"Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life." Not really into Job tonight?


..Job wasn't called a freak by everyone in school.

Mrs. Paschar pauses for a moment.


Not necessarily...

Mrs. Paschar flips to a few pages.


Here we go.. Job 12:4 "I am as one mocked of his neighbor, who calleth upon God, and he answereth him: the just upright man is laughed to scorn." Job felt that in his time of suffering the only thing his friends did was mock him. ..But you know what?




He still trusted in God.. and that's just a good example for upright people like you to follow.


OK Mom.


Alright.. now where were we?

Liela has joined Shaun at the table.








You'd think they would expect to see a guy reading about God in a Catholic school huh?


I dunno Liela.. these days you got people who love God and then you got people who only love to say they love God and not know the difference.


Well Shaun.. I'd say loving Him with your heart is the difference. Am I right or am I right?

Liela nudges Shaun.



Yeah..That's keeping on the right track anyway.



Just don't let them get to you Shaun. You'll probably become like this great minister or something one day.


Thanks Liela. There's something Mrs. Pendagras said today just before I left for lunch-

A girl named Samantha begins to choke and a student is calling for Help.

Shaun and Liela look over.


Help! Someone get a teacher she's choking!

Everyone at their lunch tables stand and begin to panic.


I'll go and get someone.

Liela runs to go and get some help.

Shaun goes over to Samantha.

Samantha has passed out on the floor.

Shaun has pushed his way through the crowd and is kneeling beside Samantha.

Shaun begins to administer Chest Compressions.

The camera goes in slow motion.

Liela and a teacher push through the crowd of kids.

Shaun closes his eyes slowly and says "breathe".

A quick and small flash of energy comes from Shaun's Chest Compression.

Samantha opens her eyes and inhales.

Samantha begins to cough and is revived.

Shaun looks at his hands as he gets up.

Shaun turns around to see Liela and the teacher.

The teacher moves Shaun out of the way and tells him: "good job son. You did good. Alright Samantha, just take it easy"

Shaun is walking backwards and passes by Liela.

Liela looks at Shaun's hands and then at Shaun stunned.

Shaun turns and runs out of the lunchroom.

Gary watches Shaun leave.

Gary begins to follow Shaun.

int. friendly encounter: school - afternoon

Shaun ran to an empty hall. He is standing next to a wall looking down at his hands and crying.

Shaun hears a door open and begins to wipe his face with his arm sleeve.

A boy comes from around the corner.

He stops to speak with Shaun.


Hey you, you OK?

Shaun looks away and begins to walk in the opposite direction.


I'm fine.

Kevin begins to follow Shaun.


Just that.. I thought I heard someone crying?


Shouldn't you be out for recess?


Shouldn't you be too?

Shaun stops and turns to take another look at Kevin. Kevin stops and looks at Shaun.

Shaun notices Kevin has an "Aliens: Special discovery edition" magazine.

Shaun looks down at it and then looks at Kevin.

Kevin looks down at the magazine and back at Shaun.


Yeah.. feel free to call me a nerd or a freak anytime now.


What are you talking about?


Wait? You mean you're not-



There he is!

Gary comes storming down the hall with two of his friends.


(under his breath)


Gary walks right up to Shaun's face.


Thought you could hide.. freak?

Kevin's mouth slightly opens in understanding.


What is it now Gary?

Gary pushes Shaun backwards.


Do it again freak!

Gary pushes Shaun.


Do what again!?

Gary has balled Shaun's shirt into his fist.



You know what the hell I'm talking about! Do it again you freak before I pound you!

Shaun's heart begins to beat. Shaun is becoming panicked.

Shaun looks over and sees Gary's two friends picking on Kevin.


(grabbing Kevins Magazine)

This nerd thinks aliens exist! So you lose your brain and blame it on aliens is that it?

The other bully laughs at Vincents joke.

Liela peers from down the hall.



Shaun! Let go of him Gary.

Shaun looks at Liela. Liela is walking towards Shaun.


Take care of it Vinny!

Vincent pushes Kevin on the floor.

Vincent and the other bully stop Liela from going to Shaun.



Let me go! Shaun, do something!

Gary turns his attention back to Shaun. He grabs Shaun by the wrist with his other hand.



Do it!



Just what in the world is going on here!? You two let go of her right now! And Gary just what do you think you're doing with that boy in my halls?

All the bullies let go and are scared.



All of office..NOW!