Status: This is part 2 of a 3 part series. Hoping to have it picked up and turned into a film.

The Link

hosptial - The final showdown

hosptial - The final showdown

Kyle is laying on the bed half asleep

Kyle hears foot steps in the hall

Kyle shuts his eyes

Kyle hears them talking and sniffing the room window that he is behind


This is him..

Demon 2

We will have a fine reward if we capture him now



The demons try to break down the window

The demons try to break down the door

Kyle is breathing in fear


It won't open...


Try harder!

The demons remain trying to break the door and window

More demons join them

Kyle begins to sweat in fear

Kyle hears whispering from the floor



Psst. Kyle? It's me.. are you ok? Answer me with your mind..



I'm scared



Don't move kyle.. they have this floor and the one below surrounded. We'll get you out just hang in there.



Please hurry.

A door opens in the ward

7 Demons turn to the light coming from the door

Jermaine is in fallen form and is smiling

Demons begin roaring and hissing at Jermaine

Jermaine walks closer

Kyle can hear cutting from the floor beneath him

Jermaine and the 7 demons begin to fight

Kyle, pretending that he is alseep, rolls over to his other side to peek at the mayhem.

Jermaine defeats the 7 demons with minor scratches to his body

Kyle opens his eyes and jumps out of the bed


Yeah! Good going Jermaine, you did it!

Jermaine smiles at Kyle

Jermaine then turns his head to the door he came through in fear.

Houstan walks through the door clapping his hands


kyle.. whatever you do.. do not leave that room.

Houstan charges at Jermaine

Houstan overpowers Jermaine

Jermaine is flung into walls, into the ceiling and over counters.

Houstan appears to be too strong.

Jermaine tries to fight Houstan again.

Houstan punches Jermaine in the face swinging him around.

Now that Jermaines back is turned and is dazed, Houstan grabs Jermaine by the neck and begins to tear his wings off one by one.

Jermaine screams in agony.

Jermaine is now mortal

Houstan throws Jermaine across the room.

Houstan walks towards kyle.

Kyle runs to the bed side and crouches to the floor

Kyle begins to talk in his mind



Marissa! Please hurry! Jermaine is in trouble.. he's going to..



Don't worry Kyle, we have this under control.. just lay on the bed. We're almost done.

Jermaine gets up and wraps his arms around Houstan

Houstan breaks free and begins to pummel Jermaine

The door to the ward opens

Light shines through

Liela steps out from the light


Liela, no! Get out of here!

Wings burst from Liela's back

Her eyes go blue

Liela raises her hand

A hammer appears

Liela flies towards Houstan to attack

Houstan knocks Liela away in one strike

Jermaine gets up on his feet.


You think I'm afraid of you, gaurdian? Allow me to show you fear!

Houstan opens up a portal to hell

Houstan walks towards Liela

Jermaine grabs Houstan with both of his arms from behind


Liela Please! Just go and warn the others! You must hurry!



Houstan breaks free

Houstan punches the mortal Jermaine which knocks him to the floor

Houstan picks up Jermaine by his head

Liela and Kyle watch Houstan

Houstan smiles



Maybe some other time, huh Liela?

Houstan throws Jermaine into the portal

Kyle & Liela



Liela! Get out of here now! Don't worry I'll be ok!



Houstan lets out a loud war cry

Liela looks at kyle


Please.. think of your gaurdian.

Liela looks sternly at Kyle.


I will be back for you.

Liela leaves the room

Houstan watches Liela leave

Houstan turns his attention to Kyle

Houstan paces back and forth in front of the window the Kyle is behind

Houstan strikes it but it doesn't break


Tricky, tricky.



Ok Kyle, Lay down! We're ready to get you out.

Houstan begins to bang on the window repeatedly

Houstan slashes faster and harder without ceasing.

Kyle lays down on the bed

The bed begins to creek

Houstan stops attacking the window

The bed goes through the floor

Houstan lets out a roar of anger

Kyle is reunited with Marissa and Darius.

Kyle looks at Darius after the dust settles.

Darius looks down to the ground.


Now is not the time. His sacrifice won't be in vain.. you'll see. We have to find a way out.. or else our chances are done for.


But how? The nurse said these halls are filled with demons!


Don't worry Kyle, we'll find a way.

Kyle, Marissa and Darius are standing in the room trying to think of a plan

Kyle looks up through the broken ceiling.

Kyle notices the windows and door again.




Whats that?


Holy! We.. we can bless the water in this place and make it holy!

Marissa and Darius look at each other.

Marissa smiles at Kyle.

Marissa turns on the tap and begins to pray

when Marissa is done praying she turns to Kyle


I hope it worked.

Marissa and Kyle open the door to a dark ward.

Darius finds a match and puts it to a fire sprinkler.

The water turns on in the halls.

Screaming can be heard in the hallway

when the screaming is over, they leave the room.

Demons are on each side of the halls hiding from the water


It worked Kyle!

As They leave down the hall they hear whistling.

They stop walking.

Houstan comes from around the corner

Houstan is not phased by the water


Time to end this!

Darius lets out a loud yell

Black wings burst from his back

His eyes go black

Darisu charges after Houstan

A fight begins between Houstan and Darius

Marissa and Kyle are watching

Footsteps can be heard from behind them


Kyle.. it was a pleasure knowing you.

Kyle turns to Marissa confused.



A sword pierces through Marissa

Fresco, the leader of the mission is standing behind Kyle

Kyle screams for Marissa

Darius locked hand in hand with Houstan looks down the hall

Houstan headbutts Darius

The sword is pulled out of Marissa


It's time little link, to find my key.

Kyle is frightened

Fresco opens up a portal

Fresco reaches for Kyle but then stops

Fresco quicklly dodges out of the way as Houstan, without his wings, is flung into the portal

Liela is standing with Darius

Fresco stares at Darius and Liela

Liela and Darius begin to walk towards Fresco

A fight begins in the hallway

Kyle is sheilding himself from the debris

Fresco knocks Darius over to Kyle

Fresco grips Liela's neck and is about to throw her into the portal

Kyle and Darius charge after Fresco

Fresco lets go of Liela

Fresco knocks Kyle out of the way

Darius is struck by the sword and is kneeling in front of the portal

Fresco drags kyle by the collar

Fresco puts one foot into the portal

Kyle wakes up

Darius stands on His feet

Fresco smiles.

Fresco throws Kyle into the abyss.

Darius screams and the windows shatter, the floor breaks and the ceiling falls apart.

Fresco walks into the abyss and dissapears.

The portal is still open.


I.. I lost kyle.. I have to .. I have..


Darius.. if you go back in there your chances at redemption..


I have to.. I have to find Kyle.. it's the only way


Darius, please!


It's the only way Liela.. it's the only way.

Darius gets up and goes back into mortal form.

Darius walks into the portal

The portal dissapears

The demons dissapear into the darkness

Liela is left standing in the hallway.