A day in hell

Day 6

Yeah so as I said, until last week I was the only goth in my entire school. Then HE came. I didn't know his name, didn't know where he had come from. All that I knew was that he was in my English and science classes. That he was new and that he was my lab partner.

And that his name was Jasper Evans.

On his first day here in hell, we had science together. That was the first little bit of goodness I have experienced in a really long time.

So it went like this:

Mr. Dennome introduced him to the class and put him beside me. We were doing experiments with chemicals (aka blowing things up.) and his hand touched mine when we both reached for the beaker. His hands were freezing cold and he knew that I knew that his hand had touched mine. He immidiatly pulled his hand back.

"Oh, uhh, sorry." he mumbled through his teeth

"Yeah, ummm, it's ok." I responded, slightly uncomfortabe.

So that was the first time I saw him. In science class. That was the best lab of my entire high school expirience.

Now I know that others like me exist out there. But the Hollister girls never stop to actually think. They only spread their rumors about people. Espeacially the new goth kids.

I should know.