A day in hell

Day 9

I just noticed that Jasper's eyes are electric blue. they are the prettiest eyes I have ever seen.

"Why do you think he looked so frustrated?" I asked Clarisse for that millionth time, I was definetly starting to piss her off.

"I told you I have no idea. Now can we please get back to watching this really bad movie with your sister?"

"Yeah, sure I guess." I turn back to the T.V. my sister is laughing hysterically at something that just happened in the movie.

We're watching Mean Girls. This is the 74th time I have seen it. It is my hollister-sister's favourite movie. I can't even begin to understand her obsession. All I can think about is Jasper Evans and his eyes. He actually looked at me. Like I was normal, not like I looked like a total freakazoid. That's the usual look I get. The "What the fuck are you wearing?" look. It pisses me off.

My parents went to my brother's math competition and then they were gonig to take him out for dinner. My sister and I both agreede that it would be super dorky if we all went, so I desided to stay home and babysit.

Hollister-sister pauses the movie and runs to the bathroom, I turn to Clarisse. I'm about to say something when she holds up one finger.

"Let me guess, 'Why did he look at me funny?'"

"Ok fine, I won't ask you again. Mrs.Aaron McAllistair"

Clarisse gives me a dirty look. She has the biggest crush on my rivals best friend. My rival, Jason Delassandro, is the most annoying, meanest person you will ever meet. Actually I hope you never meet him.

My Hollister-sister comes back and lands on the couch beside me. She presses play and hell starts to play out between Regina George and Aaron Samuels.

God, I hate this movie.