I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In

Chapter Twenty-Five

Isabelle flopped down beside Leland on the wide lounge. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer towards his body, her head resting against his shoulder. Leiah and Zahli were slouched on small, purple beanbags that had been dragged from Leiah's bedroom onto the lounge-room floor. Dakota was sprawled over one of the armchairs; his legs dangling off the arm, his head cradled in the palm of his hand as he watched the TV. Cobie was lying beside his father, his legs tucked underneath him and his head propped up by his arm.

"What is this movie?" Cobie asked, glancing towards his dad.

Leland chuckled slightly, nudging Cobie's feet playfully, "Leiah's pick. You got to choose last time."

"Yeah, and that movie you picked suuuucked," Dakota added, dodging the sofa cushion Cobie lobbed towards him. "Thank god, it's my turn next week."

"Next time it's Zahli's choice," Leland laughed, squeezing Isabelle's arm.

Zahli's eyes widened as she turned to face her mother and Leland. She turned to Leiah and gave an excited squeal. Isabelle sighed, looking toward Leland and whispering, "We haven't made any decision about that yet."

He kissed her forehead, before moving his lips towards her ear, "Next time all three of my kids are here, you'll need to stay here again anyway, regardless of whether we're living together or not." Isabelle smiled, pressing a kiss against his stubbled cheek. He turned back towards the television, and spoke, "I bet you'll be moved in before that anyway."

A laugh escaped her lips at his confidence, "We'll see."


"Good morning!"

Isabelle jumped as she entered the kitchen, glancing over at Lyssa seated on one of Leland's bar stools. She laughed, as she took another bite of the apple she held in her hand.

"You scared me half to death," Isabelle scolded, a smile playing on her lips.

"Leland stopped me from coming in there and jumping on you," Lyssa grinned, the cheeky, Chapman smirk painted on her face. "I was heading to the beach. Thought you guys might want to come?"

Isabelle nodded, rubbing a hand over her sleepy face. She glanced towards Leland, who was stepping inside. He smiled at Isabelle, kissing her cheek as he brushed past.

"You two are so damn cute," Lyssa smiled, her eyes diverting from the pair to the aluminium tray that held the bacon and eggs Leland had cooked on the grill. "But that is disgusting."

Leland rolled his eyes playfully, "It's delicious." He pulled a piece of greasy bacon from the tray and took a bite, before sucking off the oil from his fingers. "Kids! Breakfast is ready!"

Dakota sleepily entered the kitchen; his dark, curly hair twisted in different directions, causing Isabelle to chuckle quietly. Cobie followed, flanked by Leiah and Zahli who were babbling relentlessly. Isabelle grabbed a plate, placing some bacon and an egg on to it, and passing it to Zahli, who had been helped up onto the chair by Lyssa.

"Fank you, mama," she smiled, before returning to her conversation with Leiah.

Isabelle peered around the kitchen, noting the absence of Abbey and Maddy. "Where are your girls?" she asked, as she took a bite out of the bacon and egg roll Leland had made for her.

"At Dad's place. I've got to pick them up in half hour," Lyssa spoke as she chewed on the apple, "Leland said you're moving in with him."

Laughter broke out from beside Isabelle, as she rolled her eyes, "It hasn't been discussed yet, but I've got a funny feeling it doesn't matter if we talk about it or not. This one," Isabelle nudged her thumb in Leland's direction, "has already made the decision."

"Is that a yes?" Leland asked through chuckles of laughter.

Isabelle leaned forward to pull Zahli's plate away from the edge of the bench, "It isn't a no." Before Leland could make any further comments, Isabelle settled her dish in the sink and turned to face him. "I'll get the girls swimsuits ready."

She shuffled past him, disappearing into Leiah's bedroom to find their swimsuits. Leland watched as she vanished from sight, before glancing down at his plate, a goofy grin on his face. Lyssa jumped off the barstool, stepping in front of Leland to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

Nudging her brother, she smirked, "Have you told her you love her yet?"

"What? No," he coughed, his eyes looking anywhere but his sister. "No I haven't 'cause I don't."

"Ha!" Dakota snorted from the countertop, "It's so obvious."

"Shut up you, or you can stay here while we go to the beach," Leland warned, trying his hardest to look menacing but faltering as Dakota continued to laugh.

"Come on! The goo-goo eyes, that smile you give her, the little laugh you do. It all points to the same conclusion," Lyssa smugly spoke, raising her arms and settling them on her hips. "Plus," she added, "Duane Lee told me."

Leland groaned, rubbing a hand over his face, "I'm going to kill Duane Lee."

"If it makes you feel any better," Lyssa laughed, jumping up onto the bench top, "she feels the same way."

His eyes shot up to look at his sister, curiosity etching itself into his face, "She told you that?"

"No, but it's obvious. I know Duane Lee told you she didn't, but he has no idea about women. Trust me, that woman has the look of love." She noticed Leland's hesitation. "I can ask her if you want? You know, subtly bring it up in conversation? If that will make you feel better."

Leland shook his head, rinsing his plate under the running water in the sink, "Nah, I'll tell her when I'm ready."

"Sure," Lyssa said, sarcastically, "Sometime next year then."

"Shut up," Leland laughed, pushing his sister slightly as he exited the kitchen.


The warm rays of the sun shone down on Isabelle's bronzed back. She sat cross-legged on a beach towel, rubbing sunscreen on Zahli, who was itching to join Cobie, Dakota and Leiah in the cool, azure water. Lyssa, Abbey and Maddy were already prancing in the water, splashing water towards the other kids. Zahli tugged away from her mother, but Isabelle pulled her back, "Let me do your face, baby, and then you can go."

Once finished, Zahli darted off, flicking the sand up with her feet before hitting the blue water and joining the others. Isabelle felt strong arms wrap around her body, turning around to see Leland's cheeky grin. She smiled, kissing him softly and allowing herself to sink into him.

"So, when are we going to talk about you and Zahli moving in with me?" he whispered, causing goosebumps to erupt over her shoulders.

"I thought you'd already made that decision."

Leland laughed, "I wish I could make that decision for you, but you need to make it yourself."

"I just," Isabelle paused, taking in a deep breath, "What if we split up? Where will Zahli and I go?"

She turned her torso to face him, her eyes searching his face for some signs of the uncertainty she felt. He showed none. "Why would we split up? You can't think like that."

"But I do," she sighed, resting her head against his warm chest. He kissed the top of her head delicately, nuzzling his face against her chocolate hair.

"Isabelle, I don't know how you feel but for me, this is different. I can't describe the way I feel about you, I just know that I don't want to be with anyone else. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Isabelle raised an eyebrow, "Leland, are you- are you proposing?'

He laughed at her face, etched with surprise, "No." She exhaled deeply, her gaze falling onto Leland's tattooed arm. He hooked his fingers underneath her chin and lifted it towards him, "But I'm telling you I love you."

"W-What?" It came out as a stutter as she looked at him in disbelief.

"I love you." With force, he pressed his lips against hers. She felt herself melt slightly, silently thanking God that she was seated, otherwise her knees would've definitely buckled. He smiled as he broke away, only for her to pull him back again. She broke away, allowing her forehead to rest against his. "Now, move in with me," he smirked, licking his lips.

Isabelle grinned, kissing him once more, "Okay."

She squeaked as he lunged towards her, tackling her into the sand. He hovered above her, kissing her repeatedly. Lyssa voice broke the blissful silence they had enveloped themselves in, "Get a room!"

The pair giggled, as Leland jumped up, helping Isabelle hop up as well. He took her hand as they made their way towards the kids and Lyssa, swimming in the icy water. Leland dived in, rising up from the waves and motioning for Isabelle to join him. She slowly submerged herself in the water, being assisted by Dakota, Cobie, Lyssa, Leiah and Zahli, who flicked icy droplets towards her. She squealed, splashing them back, before dunking her head underwater in defeat. Leland scooped her up in his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as they bobbed in the ocean.

"Hey Leland?" She softly spoke, kissing his stubbled cheek tenderly. He turned to face her, his brown eyes honing in on her blue ones. "I love you too."

A wide grin broke out on his face, his lips smashing down onto hers and her arms wrapped around his neck. As they broke apart, he cradled her against him as the freezing water spatter against their bodies. She smiled as Zahli paddled over to them, wrapping her small arms around her mother's waist. Leiah followed suit, latching herself onto her father's back.

Finally, there was a reason for her move to Hawaii. Tim's incessant ideas to escape had brought her the greatest comfort of all; a family.