Status: In-Progress

Ties That Bind Us

Chapter Four

Chapter Four:


‘Oh shit! Eva! Don’t you fucking dare leave me here!’

‘Well, then hurry up!’ I snapped back to the constantly falling Ernesto behind me. His long legs, which were usually graceful and confident, were now – under the influence of roller skates – uncoordinated and just plain awkward.

The first two days back in London were spent with our families. Julia stayed with her parents and sister and Ana did the same. I spent the two days lounging in my parents home and making Ernesto feel welcome, which wasn’t hard at all since my mother liked him already.

During our rest, I’ve never seen Aiden so bubbly. My parents missed their only (for now) grandchild and treated him with everything he wanted. My brothers, who followed a ‘pack’ rule system, was absolutely delighted as well to have their youngest member of the pack back in their midst.

My parents lived in a medium-sized home at the center of London, and when I stepped in the threshold, carrying Aiden on my arm and my luggage on the other, nothing changed much at all. There was still the big telly in the living room, my brothers and I graduation pictures on one of the walls, the kitchen, the curtains – they were the same. But there were new additions as well, the collage of pictures that included my friends and I. There were also Aiden’s monthly drawings that he sent to his grandparents wherever he was in the world. The whole house littered of old memories and new ones, and it made me happy.

Now, two days has passed and it was time to explore London in new eyes.

We started in Hyde Park, where Ernesto was currently trying to balance in his roller skates. Ana was with us as well, but Julia couldn’t come because she was still on vacation with her family in the South of London.

‘Aiden!’ I shouted, skating around the walkway and bending down to grab him and set him on my arms. He laughed delightedly as I gave him raspberry kisses on his stomach, I laughed with him. We were back in London.

‘I know you’re having a cute mother and son moment,’ said Ernesto from behind. ‘But I really need your help you know!’

Aiden being a helpful little boy he is, wiggled out of my arms and skated towards Ernesto. He took his hands and helped him skate around the fields, telling him fascinating stories of what might have happened in the park during its long existence.
I went to Ana, who was taking pictures of various monuments and dragged her along, without a care. ‘Hey! What are you doing?’

I skated near the Serpentine, continuously dragging Ana with me. ‘Stopping you from making a fool of yourself.’

‘I was just taking pictures!’ She defended.

‘Like a tourist.’ I snapped back to her, waving at Aiden and Ernesto on our front.

Ana huffed and rolled her eyes, clearly quite upset.

I looked at her hunching form and sighed. Her camera and her pictures was all she had to keep her grounded…to keep her from straying. It was mean of me to degrade it like I had.

‘I’m sorry,’ I told her finally. She glanced at me, hiding from her blonde locks, and smiled slightly.

I continued. ‘But do stop taking photos like a tourist. You were born here! This is London, be at home.’

Ana took her camera and pointed the lens at me. ‘Alright then.’

She took a photo.

We couldn’t tour and experience London in one day, but we sure did try.

After hanging around Hyde Park, we went and saw the Big Ben. Being a local living so close to the City, the gigantic clock tower wasn’t a big of a deal, it was there and that was that. But to Ernesto, who lived in a small suburb in Michigan and never travelled because he didn’t have the means, seeing the Big Ben blew his mind away. Ernesto travelled South America and Africa with us for two years, he experienced as much as we did those times…and not one day did his face lose that sight of awe and joy.

No matter how many unbelievable experiences we had – he was still so thankful.

Seeing that look, I immediately went into ‘tourist’ mode and demanded him to pose and smile while Ana took his pictures.

This continued still when we went up the London Eye, visited the National History Museum, and gone around a bit the river Thames. Aiden was in full bubbly mode, eating whatever I gave him, hugging Ernesto and Ana and smiling at strangers who passed him by.

Ernesto, who was usually the delicate one after Ana, was laughing and trying new moves with his newly learnt ability: how to roller skate.

Ana had a bit of fun as well and even let go of her camera and didn’t take pictures for 30 minutes.

We had lunch in a small café and made Ernesto try British tea.

‘I prefer coffee still,’ He told us. His bronzed cheeks quite blushed from all the travelling we did. He held the squirming Aiden in his lap.

I gaped at him, my teacup hanging. ‘How can you still prefer coffee when you tasted British tea?’

Ana chewed her muffin down and made a gesture for Aiden to go to her. Aiden, who was still quite jumpy and high, went to Ana immediately, who gave him a kiss on the cheek and a tickle before asking him to pose and smile for the camera.

Aiden, the cheeky boy he was, did so without difficulty and kept giggling while Ana took photos.

Ernesto dropped down the tea, with a slight disgust on his face. ‘Tea tastes bland.’

‘And coffee tastes bitter.’ I countered back.

Ernesto shook his head, and removed his skates, moving his black straight hair from his eyes.

I ate a chip before telling him, ‘You badly need a haircut.’

Ernesto looked up, his eyes glaring. ‘Hell no, you are not going to cut my hair again.’

I pouted. ‘I was just trying a new style!’

That new style left a bald patch on the middle of my head!’

‘Well, I’m sure I can –‘

‘Nope.’ Ernesto interrupted. ‘You are not allowed to touch my hair with a pair of scissors anymore. Absolutely not.’

We chatted for a bit, Ernesto and I, while Ana and Aiden went to a playground across from the café.

Our talk was a quiet one between friends. He was never much of a talker but he showed his love and friendship through other means than talking. I was at ease with him, something that I treasured so greatly.

He knew it as well, and tried to act a bit carefully around me during the first few months of our meeting. But I told him, angrily, that I didn’t want him to. I wanted to able to heal again, to accept men who weren’t from my family and not be scared.

Ernesto was the first one to do that.

He was always so calm and quiet. His eyes curious and searching, much like mine. He was a rock, or a pillow or maybe a teddy bear, and his calm demeanor and gentle eyes made my nerves and nightmares quiet down.

He was my friend, and although he was a man, he wasn’t going to hurt me.

After lunch, we went to Buckingham Palace and set out on a tour. This was all our first time in the palace and I, much like Ernesto, was in a state of shock.

The splendor, the finery and the richness of this place spoke billions.

Prince Harry.

My mind told me.


He has this.

How can a man who toured Lesotho us in a dirt bike have part of this?

Once my mind started thinking of him, it never stopped. Every state room we visited, my mind thought of Harry. Did he come here? Who did he come with? Although I knew in my heart I was never going to see him again (apart from in the telly), the thought that I actually met him, a Prince who possibly knew people that changed or is changing the world, made my mind whirl and heart beat faster.

I absolutely didn’t know why.

We went into the picture gallery, where past monarchs and royal portraits were kept. I walked around, seeing the faces of the Queen Mother, Queen Victoria and the like. Then in the middle of the left long wall, was a picture of the present Royal Family. My eyes immediately looked for Harry, my heart unnaturally beating faster.


He looked younger. His messy ginger hair was captured perfectly, so was his happy grin and clear blue eyes.

I bit my lip.

I shouldn’t be feeling this way.

No matter how many times I’ve told myself that during the tour, my heart still beat faster and my lips fought a smile.

The happy, giggling feeling inside of me didn’t leave easily – and surprisingly enough, I didn’t want it to.

‘I wanted to invite you to a polo match this Saturday.’ Julia quipped from the other line of the phone.

Aiden was coughing loudly on my bed. His cheeks were pale and he was so cold. I grabbed his medicine from a drawer and also a glass of water. ‘Drink this.’ I whispered to his ear, before grabbing a blanket from my closet.

I was completely oblivious to what Julia had said and snapped back. ‘What?’

Julia groaned. ‘A polo match on Saturday! Come with me!’

Aiden kept coughing and coughing and coughing. I went back to the room and touched my palm to his forehead. He was still cold. I put another two layers of blankets on him, trying desperately to calm down for the sake of Aiden.

Thankfully, Julia stayed quiet.

We finished our first tour of London, tired and our feet aching. But it was Aiden who got tired the most. His energy from the day was gone and he just slumped and coughed tirelessly through the whole way back home. I carried him in my arms, trying desperately to warm him and calm his coughs before it went to a full fit.

Ernesto touched my arm, and looked at Aiden worryingly. I shook my head and proceeded to go home.

‘Aiden, sweet pea,’ Julia cooed from the other end. ‘Do you want me to sing a lullaby for you to get you to sleep? Hmm?’

In between coughs, Aiden told her yes.

With a pause at the beginning, Julia began to sing. Her voice was magical and as I played with Aiden’s locks. My panic began to recede.

Julia sang a baby lullaby in a calming tone. Her voice was sweet, kind and alluring made Aiden’s coughs, along with his medicine, subside to just a few.

Julia was a trained theatre and opera singer, and her voice was magical.

Once Aiden was fast asleep, I took the phone and silently left the room.

‘He’s asleep.’ I told the singing Julia. ‘Thank you.’

‘It’s alright. I hope he’s feeling better.’ She whispered from the other line. Her joviality subdued.

‘About that polo match…’ I started.

‘I was just asking…if you don’t want to come that’s absolutely fine.’ Julia paused for a moment. ‘Aiden needs you more.’

I bit my lip and replied. ‘I think I’d like to come.’

‘Really?’ Julia started, giggly again. ‘But what about Aiden?’

‘Mum and Dad wanted to have him for themselves for a little while this weekend, so no problem there. Where is it?’

‘It’s in Kensington. I’ll pick you up from your house.’

‘Alright.’ I bit my lip again. ‘What do I need to wear?’

‘Something comfortable but classy.’


‘Oh! This is going to be so exciting. I just know that is going to be incredible!’

‘It’s just a polo match, Julia.’ I rolled my eyes.

I heard her huff on the other line. ‘Right, you just wait and see.’

As I waited for Julia to come and pick me up for the polo match, I looked at the mirror.

Comfortable but classy, she said.

I smoothed down the pleats on my blue smooth dress and fixed my black cloche. Overall, I looked alright.

Soon, Julia knocked on the door and her driver was taking us to Kensington. During the drive, she looked me over.

‘Classy,’ she stated. ‘Yet comfortable.’

‘That’s what you said, right?’

‘Yes.’ She smiled and gestured at her clothes. ‘What do you think?’

Like what she did, I looked her over. Her baby blonde curls were loose on her back. Julia decided to wear a yellow dress covered with a black blazer. Like me, she was also wearing black flats.

‘Classy,’ I repeated. ‘Yet comfortable.’

We met eyes and giggled.

Julia was from an aristocrat family. Her family name, Williams, made her an important part of not only noble society but business as well. Her father was a great businessman and a Lord.

So I think it’s safe to say that Julia knows more about polo than me.

Before the match, she introduced me to everybody she knew and even to the people that she didn’t know. The women looked me over. My shoes, hair, dress, hat, and clutch – none was left from the inspection.

We moved around the tent. There were distinguished looking men in expensive shirts and pants. I tried to act as dignified as them.

I didn’t slouch, I smiled a lot, I made my accent clearer, I made sure I moved more gracefully.

There was still ten minutes until the match was to start when I saw a girl just outside of the makeshift door of the tent. She was looking at the field and obviously wasn’t talking to anybody. I moved towards her from my spot heading towards her. Julia was in the toilet at the moment and knowing her, she’d take her time to return to me and I didn’t want to look like a loner in front of these nobles, socialites and the like.

‘Hello, I noticed you standing there and wanted to say hi.’ I began. The girl in question whipped her head around to face me, her green eyes full of surprise.

I smiled at her and offered my hand. ‘I’m Eva Robinson.’

She put a strand of her hair on her ear, not looking at my eyes, she replied. ‘I’m Kate. Kate Middleton.’ She shook my hand.

Having no clue that she was Prince William’s longtime girlfriend at all, I shook her hand and whispered to her. ‘Is this your first time in a polo match?’

This time, she looked me in the eye and smiled along with me, nervous at the crowd behind my back. ‘Yes. You?’

I nodded seriously. We glanced at each other for a moment again, before laughing quietly.

Finally. I felt quite comfortable again to know that I wasn’t alone.

She loosened her tightened shoulders and gestured to me to stand a bit closer to her. Kate was pretty, slim and quite tall – she was, without calculating the heels on her boots, was three inches taller than me.

‘Who are you here with?’ she asked me nicely.

‘I’m here with a friend, Julia Williams. She’s currently at the toilet. What about you? Who are you here with?’

She looked surprised for a few moments, before smiling at me so widely. ‘I’m here with a polo rider.’

‘Oh.’ I replied, before biting my lip and saying in my head to hell with it. ‘Do you know how the game works? Because I absolutely have no idea.’

She laughed and this time it wasn’t quiet – the women looked at our direction but she paid them no heed. And because the situation was too funny to pass up, I laughed along with her.

‘Truly?’ she asked after controlling herself from laughter.

‘Yes. I truly do not have any idea of this game. I don’t even understand why they have to be in horses – those poor creatures.’ I told her truthfully.

She laughed again, her chestnut curls bouncing on her back. ‘Oh my!’ she shook her head and whispered to me quietly. ‘I actually have no idea what this game is about as well, I just searched it on Google yesterday and I’m still confused.’

I widened my eyes. I first thought that everybody here (apart from me of course) were part of the higher class that contained the like that I just met back in the tent. But here was a girl who wasn’t, it made me grin. ‘We both can look silly together clapping on a game we have no idea what is about.’

She laughed again and we settled into a comfortable conversation. ‘Did you hear about the charity this polo match is supporting? Sentebale?’ I asked her.

‘Oh yes. I’m quite aware of that,’ she said, biting her lip. A small smile graced her lips.

‘I’ve volunteered at the main office in Lesotho with the children that the charity supports. It’s doing incredibly good things.’

She nodded. ‘So what do you do for a living?’

I smiled. ‘Oh, I just came back from a four year long trip overseas. I haven’t gotten a job yet, but I was thinking of volunteering full time for a charity or maybe work in a lab somewhere in London City.’ I replied. ‘What about you?’

She blushed and turned her head away. ‘Oh, uhm. I’m not working at the moment.’

‘It’s getting harder and harder to get a job, isn’t it?’

She nodded. ‘Yes, absolutely.’

I opened my mouth to ask her a question when someone on the polo field shouted, ‘Kate!’

I turned my head towards the tall man walking towards us.

‘Is that the polo rider?’

She gave me a small grin, ‘Yes.’

I couldn’t see the man yet, but as he steadily got closer, I forced my eyes to not widen. Instead, I whispered to Kate. ‘Oh God, you’ve got to be kidding. I’m so stupid.’

She laughed quietly. ‘I’m sorry. You were just the first person in the entire tent that didn’t know me, I couldn’t pass up the chance.’

I nodded, trying not to be so nervous as Prince William of Wales got closer.

‘He’s nice, don’t worry.’

‘Oh, I’m pretty sure he’s nice. I’m not worried about that.’

‘Well, what are you worried about then?’

‘Meeting the heir to the throne of England and the 16 Commonwealth Realms, that’s what I’m worried about right now.’

She laughed quietly, grabbed my hand and walked towards him. ‘I’ll introduce you to him.’

My lips dried up. It’s like meeting Nelson Mandela all over again.

Wait, no it’s not.

No one can compare this to meeting Nelson Mandela. That one was much, much worse.

With that thought, I calmed some of my nerves down and followed her.

‘As a what?’ I asked her.

She smiled at me, her dimples showing. ‘A new friend. Come on.’

Once I was in front of Prince William of Wales, who hugged Kate first before putting his attention to me – I was quite calm. Thank God.

‘Will, this is Eva Robinson.’ He smiled at me. ‘Eva, this is well…William.’

I shook his offered hand and bit my lip before saying, ‘Do I address you as William like Kate told me to or…?’

He laughed, scratching his arm. ‘William or even Will is fine.’

‘I’m good with William.’ I replied and before I could stop my mouth, ‘Titles are so confusing sometimes.’ Stupid, absolutely stupid. Why the hell were you allowed to go to Oxford, you stupid twat?!

‘You have no idea.’ William agreed with me, a small smile on his face.

Kate laughed and saved me from further embarrassment. ‘I just met Eva today. Thank God I’m not the only one in this entire place that doesn’t know how polo works.’

‘Hey!’ I protested. ‘I thought we were in this together. No telling!’

Kate laughed before giving her attention to William again. ‘Why did you call me?’

‘Oh, I just wanted to ask whether you’d want to go back to your flat with a cruiser or by yourself, ‘s all.’

‘I think I’ll just go back home by myself.’

Will smiled, and before he could say anything else, someone shouted from behind him. ‘Will! Will! Do you have any extra gloves with you? I lost –‘

His blue eyes blinked and stared at me. His mouth was wide open and his hair was in constant disarray. My heart stuttered.

I was glad that my nerves no longer got the best of me, and tipped my head slightly with a smile.

‘Harry, we meet again.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Review if you wish. :)