Status: I'll try and update as much as I can. Enjoy! :)

A Million Reasons

"I don't know how you do it." He said, admiringly.
"Do what?"
"You always find a way to smile."
"I guess looking on the bright side of things makes life just a little bit more bearable."


Disclaimer: I love and adore The Maine but unfortunately do not own them. They own themselves. And I don't own any other shit other than the plot and original characters. That is it.
  1. Serendipity
    /ˌserənˈdipitē/ Noun: Making a fortunate discovery by accident.
  2. Bittersweet
    /ˈbitərˌswēt/ Adjective: Pleasant yet painful or regretful.
  3. Lovesick
    /ˈləvˌsik/ Adjective: Feeling unhappy, foolish or weak because you know the one you like won't ever like you back.
  4. Responsibility
    /riˌspänsəˈbilətē/ Noun: The fact of having a duty to deal with something.
  5. Admire
    /ədˈmī(ə)r/ Verb: To regard with pleasure, wonder and approval.
  6. Journey
    ˈjərnē/ Noun: An act of traveling from one place to another.
  7. Fulfillment
    /fo͝olˈfilmənt/ Noun: satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's abilities or character.
  8. Fortuitous
    /fôrˈto͞oətəs/ Adjective: happening by accident or chance rather than design.