Chapel in the Hospital

Wedding Day

Pete is standing at the altar waiting for his bride, there's a slight sign on nervousness in his eyes. He has every right to be nervous, though. What if she decides not to show up? Before any more pessimistic thoughts fill his head, he hears people stand.

His eyes glance up towards the front of the church; he can't help but beam.

There she is. His best friend, his other half and his bride.

His eyes don't leave her until she reaches the altar.

He quickly glances at the crowd and suddenly remembers that his friend of countless years, Patrick, is not there. He frowns and he notices that Ashlee notices that. He quickly recovers her and gestures that everything's fine.

Andy and Joe are sitting at the back since both of them turned out to be allergic to some of the flowers, “I can't believe Patrick isn't here.” Andy whispers and Joe pulls out his lighter.

Joe stares forward and Pete's replacement best man, “I guess Patrick isn't ready to admit that Pete's not going to be around as often.” he shrugs.

Andy looks over his shoulder, expecting Patrick to be there; he's not.

When he turns back the Priest is saying something about how if someone has any objections, they should speak now.

Joe's suddenly on his feet, “I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but...” he pauses. Andy notices that smoke's coming from his friend's hair. “My hair's on fire.” It's burning now.

“Joe!” Andy jumps to his feet, “Hurry! Go put it out!”

Water is suddenly thrown over Joe, “You sure know how to ruin a wedding, Trohman.” Patrick laughs.

Pete's face brightens up, “About time you show your face, Stump.” he smirks, not caring that he's holding up his own wedding. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees that Ashlee's family looks shocked, “I'm terribly sorry,” he apologizes to his guest. “But, my best friend is here and he's worth me stopping this wedding so he can get his ass up here.”

Patrick is suddenly blushing, “Now, Pete,” he begins walking over to him. “This is your wedding day and it's twice as important to the bride as it is to you. Please, continue.” he tells the priest, “I've no objection to you getting married; you're happy with her and I see that.” he winks at Pete.

At the reception, Pete approaches Patrick, “How does Joe's hair look? I haven't seen him since the wedding.”

Patrick looks around for a moment, “It's a lot shorter.” he laughs, “I think he said he was going to get it all... evened out.” he shrugs.

Pete looks bewildered, “Whoa. That's a first coming from the guy in our band that looks like an axe murderer.” he jokingly says.

“And that's coming from the guy who had pictures of his penis leaked all over the Internet.” Patrick teases.

Pete stares, “Okay. That was totally uncalled for, Patrick.”

He gets a nudge in the ribs from Patrick, “Hey, go spend time with your new wife, Wentz. You and I have spend countless years together, I guess I can afford to share you.” he holds out a hand.

The bassist stares down at his hand, “You know, just because I got married doesn't mean it's the end of Fall Out Boy, if anything, we're finally going to change our name to Fall Out Men and maybe, we'll pull a Panic and write songs about how true love is rare or some shit like that.”

Patrick burst out laughing, “Nah,” he shakes his head, blinking back tears. “Our fans would truly hate us if we did that. You got married, you might as well write some decent lyrics for once.”

Pete suddenly hugs Patrick, “My lyrics are... half way decent, thank you very much.”

Ashlee suddenly goes up to them, “They way you're hugging him makes me beyond jealous, Wentz.” she smiles.

They break apart, “Well then... don't go over to his house anytime soon. He has pictures of me all over his walls, don't you?” Pete smirks.

Patrick nods in agreement, “Not to mention, we have our completely secret sex room.”

Ashlee slips her hand into Pete's, “Come on, Pete; we have to thank our guest for coming.”

“Can't we email them? Or text them? I'm good at that.” he says as Ashlee drags him away.

Patrick stares at his friend, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks, “Some things never change.” he mutters.
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Sorry it's short.
I wanted to get it all done today since I'm going to be pretty busy the following weekens since it's the end of the school year.
Comments will be quite appreciated.