Status: active!

Check Please!

Ah, Playlist in Florida. The annual YouTube event that brings thousands upon thousands of people to the state. It's a busy week for the hotel restaurant and their hostess who gets stuck on a busy shift all by herself the day everyone gets there.

Now enter Connor Franta. They have no idea who the other is and upon the insistence of the hostess Jasmine's friend and Connor's persistence, they will get to know each other.

The only problems are Connor's issues with relationships and the fact that they're on opposite sides of the country. Will it ever end up working out?

Uhhhh so, this is my new Connor Franta fic. I obviously don't own anything except for the plot. The events, organizations and people all belong to (well clearly themselves) and the respective companies. We'll see where this goes. I hope you enjoy though!
  1. Chapter 1
    A busy night.