The Day It Happened


Let me start out saying me name is Alice.

I have shoulder lengh back hair, brown eyes, and my favorite color is red.
I have very bad parents. They liked me better when I was younger because I listened to the
them and was a sweet little girl. Well, I have changed and I`m not doing that anymore.
Nobody at school likes me because I`m different, but they don`t beat me up because I punched a guy last year for calling me gay.
The ony friends I have are my band,Stelth.
I`m the vocals and I play lead guitar with JJ, Evan plays drums, Keaton plays bass, and Mason plays ''silent guitar'' as we call it because you can almost hear it over the rest of us.

My favorite bands are Green Day, My Chemical Romance, The Living End and a whole bunch more.

If my life wasn`t a hell hole it would be a hole.
Why can`t life be different?