The Day It Happened

On tour NOw?

I woke up to see Frank lying next to me. I tried to wake him up but he started snoring. So I decided to play a prank on Frank.

''Jakob that was the best night ever.'' I said trying to keep in laughter but he kept on snoring.

''Frank I can`t find my underware!''

''Wha...'' Yeah he woke up!

''Gotcha!'' I jumped out of bed and ran to the wall and charged forward but Frank was waiting for me and hit me with a pillow.

''Now I have you my slave! MWaaaaaaaaaa haha!''

''I am nobodys slave!'' I took a book and hit him in the head with it.


''Do you guys want some cookies dow...., I didn`t know you guys were dating!''

''Tre, get your butt out now.''

''Fine! But theres only 3 more cookies leeeeft!''
When I heard this I ran down the stairs and tripped Tre before he could get the last cookie.

''The last one always tastes the best!'' I took the cookie and rubbed it in his nose.

''Hey Alice, do you want some pancakes?'' Adi asked.

''No thanks. Beating Tre was all I needed.''

''Wait Alice!''

''What Dad?''

''Oh since when do you call me dad?'' Billie asked.

''O.k., I`ll just call you mother fucker.''

''Call me dad or else I`ll get frank and Jakob down here!''

''Fine! dad what do you want?'' I asked getting impatent.

''We are going on tour and I was wondering if you would like to come?''



''Can Frank come?''



I ran up stairs to tell Frank. I didn`t need to pack because I hadn`t unpacked.

''Frank can you come on tour with my dad, Tre, and Mike?''

''When are you going?''

''Tomarrow!'' I said excited.

''Our band has a tour tomarrow. But I wish I could come!''

''Oh, it`s o.k.''

Frank had told his parents that he was going to be staying at ours after his tour so we could spend more time together. It would be hard without him. But I tryed to forget about it.
At dinner Jakob was still trying to hold my hand so when I got up to wash my plate I just said I was going to bed.

''You know Jakob, Alice does have a boyfriend.'' Adi said.

''Don`t crush his heart Adi. You can keep liking her as long as you don`t try to break up Alice and Frank.'' Billie added.

''I like her a lot dad, but she doesn`t like me!''

''Grow up!'' Joey said.

Billie gave Joey the eye.

''Maybe sometime in the future Jakob!''


As I was sitting in my room I heard Frank come in.

''Yo, my homie!''

''I thought I was your girlfriend but if i`m just your homie then whatever!'' I looked away with a pout. It was so fun playing pranks on Frank!

''I`m sorry, Take me back plaese,plaese,plaese?''

''Kiss my hand and all will be forgivin`''

''Yes queen!''

The rest of the night I layed there talking to Frank. He was such a good listener.
But then the tour came into my mind. Would it be fun without Frank?