The Day It Happened


To day was the tour day so I called JJ to see if he could come. Need one of my friends to go with me!
So I was packed and ready to go when I looked outside my window and saw Mcr.
I wonder what they are doing here?

''Hey guys, aren`t you supposed to be on tour?'' I asked going out the door with my jacket. It was cold as hell.

''Well, the tour was cancelled because that creepy killer guy that was on the news burned the staduim and our manager didn`t want us taking any risks!'' Gerard said out of breath.

''So we were wondering if we could go with you guys on your tour?''

''Uh, DAD!'' I yelled.

''What the fuck, I`m right here'' He said walking out the door.

''Oh sorry, can the guys come on tour with us and can JJ come too''

''Who`s JJ''

''My band member!''

''I didn`t know you had a band!'' he asked courious.

''Yeah, it`s called Steth.''

''Sure, whatever.''

''So, looks like I`m coming with you after all!'' Frank said tackling me.

''Frank, no do nasty stuff on front yard!''

''Mikey, shut up!''

I saw JJ down the street so I tried to beat Bob to him but it didn`t work.

''O.k. is everybody ready?'' the driver asked from the wheel.

''Yeah, just move this big ass bus!''

''Ray, calm your balls!''

So we headed off toward who knows where. I laid down in my bunk and stared at the wall.
Then I saw Franks face in front of mine.

''Ello, Gove`na''

''Hello, dork head, watcha doin`?''

''Staring at the t.v. in my mind!'' I answered.

''Can I watch with you?''

''Yeah, whatever!''

It was like Frank could read my thoughts cause when ever something funny would appear in my head he would laugh before I could. Yes I know, creepy.

''What are you guys doing?'' JJ and Bob asked.

''Watching Alices t.v. in her mind!''

''I now pronouce you dork and dorkyer. you may kiss the dork!'' Ray said as he walked by.

''O.k.!'' Frank said and he gave me a kiss and we went back to watching my t.v