The Day It Happened

Tour time`s can go wrong!

After we stoped watching t.v. (in my mind) me and Frank started playing Guitar Hero 2!
He said he could beat me, but me being such a MCR fan, I had this game the first week it came out so I had beaten it on every level!

''That`s no fair!, you distracted me!'' Frank said.

''By doing what?''

''Uh.....being better than me,yeah.... cause I was looking at your fingers to see if you were getting them right!''

''Yeah sure, I will have a rematch with you if you stop`looking at my fingers`!`` I laughed.

So we started another song and right when I was about to do my amazing solo and beat Frank, Gerard turns the game off!

''Hey! I was just about to beat Franks butt!'' i said.

''Yeah I know, That`s why I stoped it. So Frank wouldn`t get mad at you and then you to start doing a make out session!'' Gerard said holding back laughter.

''What-EVER'' I said acting like Emma (my old friend).

''Hey look guys, COFFEE!'' Mikey yells.

''Stop the bus!'' Frank jumps out of the bus when it`s still moving and runs over to the coffee shop.

''How may I help you?'' asked the cashier.

'' Coffees all around!''

We chose a place to sit by the back window so nobody could reconize the band.

''Here you guys go,coffee all around.''

''Alice since when did you start liking coffee?'' Frank asked me.

''Since I was 11! I had my first taste at 5 but didn`t really like it untill I got older.''

''I was born in coffee!''

''We know Frank.'' JJ said.

When we got back on the bus, the driver was gone, so we had to vote who would drive.

''All in favor of Ray, say I!''

''All in favor that Ray drives the bus say I!''

''I !'' everybody screamed together.

''Suck my balls.'' Ray mumbled as he made his way up to the drivers seat.

''I would rather pass on that one!'' I screamed, and of course I got the finger.