The Day It Happened

Please come Back!

Franks P.O.V.

I screwed up. I know I did. How could I lose the one girl that I had loved over a poem that ment nothing? I wote it 3 weeks ago when my ex girlfriend came back. She said she wanted to start over and I told her to go away but after she left some feelings started to come back. I didn't mean to write a poem. I should seriously hide that thing.

''hey Frank! What did you do to my daughter?'' Billie Joe said coming in my room.

''Nothing.'' That was a lie.

''I know you did something `cause she's is not here.'' he said impatently.

''O.k. fine, I wrote a poem about my ex girlfriend when she came back 3 weeks ago and I guess Alice found it.''

''That was a dumb move. You never ever write a poem about your ex girlfriend. I did that once and Adi didn't come back ti'll 2 months after.''

''Do you think she'll come back?'' I asked with a little hope in voice.

''Hard to say. You can never know when they come back.''

''Well what should I do?''

''Go get her. And if she doesn't want you, you're in some deep shit.'' Billie said walking out.

I thought about that for a moment and decided that was a good idea. So I got my coat and went out the door to go look for her.

About 2 hours later I found her in a alley sitting up against the wall crying. I guess I really did hurt her.

''Alice! I found you. I so sorr..''

''Save it Iero.'' She said cutting me off.

''I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see that. Didn't you read the warning?''

''yeah I did! But since I was your girlfriend, or at lest I thought I was, I really didn't think it mattered. But then again I guess I was wrong.''
Wow! That was harsh.

''Listen, I wrote that poem 3 weeks ago. When she came back. Some feelings just came over me and I had to let them out.''

''Well, do you still have feelings for her?'' she asked.

''No! You're the only one love.''

''I still can't trust you Frank. You broke my heart.''

''Please! Just give me a chance!'' i said pleading.

''I let you know when I'll come back. When I think I can trust you I'll come back But if I can''ll know where to find me.''

''O.k.'' I said and tried to hug her.

''Not now Frank.'' she said pushing me away.

I walked back to the bus and laid on my bed thinking about what just happened.
I can't belive it. I might have actually lost her. My one true love.

* The Next Day*
*Still Franks P.O.V.*

I didn't get any sleep at all last night. I thought it would never happen to me. Losing something i loved sooo much.

''Frank, get up! You're starting to smell.'' Mikey said spraying air freshener in my room.

''Sorry Mikey, the only way I'll get up is if she comes back!'' I yelled.

''I don't see how she would come back with the way you smell!'' He yelled back.

I sighed a heavy sigh. I don't see how she'll come back either.

''Frank, please get up.'' Billie said coming in my room.

''Why, I have nothing to get up for.'' i said.

''Yeah you do.'' After he said that I saw Alice walk into the room.

''Alice! you came back!'' I jumped up and ran to her. I tried to hug her but again she pulled back.

''Frank, the only reason I came back was because my dad talked me into it. he also said you smelled like a horses ass.'' she said.

I sniffed myself and plugged my nose. I could see what she meant.

''Please Alice. Just give me another chance?''

''It's gonna take a lot of time to get my trust in you back, but I guess it's worth a try.'' She hugged me and then pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door.

''First, take a shower! Please!'' she yelled.

I can't belive I got her back. My Alice. I ow Billie big time!

After I got out of the shower and put my clothes on I had breakfast. Alice was playing with Ray's fro. She looked so cute.
I walked over to Billie while he was eating his corn flakes.

''You know, those came from Bob's toes?'' I said laughing.

''thanks for the info.'' he said spitting it out and dumping his bowl.

''no prob. by the way i wanted to thank you for getting her back.''

''You welcome, but if you lose her again I don't know if I can get her back.''

''I know. but thanks.'' I said.

I went over to Alice and hugged her. She gave me a kiss and went back to playing with Ray's hair. Maybe we could be together again. Maybe she did love me.