The Day It Happened

The Begining

Today I woke up feeling normal except I was tired as hell.

I walked in the the bathroom and saw my reflection.''No wonder'' I said.
I took my shower and got dreesed in my Green Day shirt with the heart grenade on the front, my ripped jeans, my red and black converse, and my black MCR zip-up sweat shirt.
I went down stairs only to see my mom lying her head on the dinner table.

'' Morning mother dearest'' I said sarcasticlly.

''Don`t fuck with me today bitch!'' she said.

I ignored her like normal and walked to the bus. I turned on my iPod and I Don`t Love You played.The bus came so I sat in the back and thought this would be a good song for Stelth to play at the local rock concert.Then the bus came to a stop and I ran to school as fast as I could, put my stuff in my locker and sat down to listen to my iPod some more.

I noticed a boy sitting in the back listening to his iPod so I went to the back and sat next to him.I looked over to see what he was listening to.It said Green Day ''Whatsername''. That`s my favorite Green Day song.The boy had on black ripped pants,and a MCR shirt.He had black hair and and I couldn`t tell what color his eyes were. He started to take out his ear phones so I looked back at my iPod.

''Sorry!'' i said a little shy.

''It`s o.k.,I was done anyway.'' he answered smiling.Cool smile I thought.

''So, what`s your name?'' he asked.

''It`s Alice, if I had any friends around here they would call me AC, for Alice Crudridge,but looks like thats not happening anytime soon!''

''My name is Frank..Frank Iero,as in James Bond`s assistant and since you don`t have any friends you can be mine!'' he said with a laugh.
''Belive me, you don`t want to be my friend,I love skittles,love Green Day, and I dress like an emo....'' i said rambling off.
His mouth was wide open.''I know,theres something wrong with me.''
''Hell no, you`re just like me,now you have to be my friend even if you don`t want to.

''Fine!'' i said suprised.Right then he picked me up and hugged me like crazy.

''Frank Iero Bond! Put me down!'' I screamed.

''Yeah Frank, put your girlfriend down!'' Jess snickered.He put me down and the teacher came in and started the lesson. I sat there thinking. I do like Frank,but he couldn`t like me, at least not now! The rest of the lesson I was thinking about me and Frank.
Yeah, Me AND Frank!