The Day It Happened


''Do you guys know My Chemical Romance?'' I asked them.

''You can call us MCR if you want!'' screamed Mikey

''Shut up!''

I hate the detention teacher. All she does is sit around and eat.I know the exact time she goes to sleep,which is in 2 minutes.

''I thought I`d heard your name before FRANK'' I said extending the Frank part.

I looked over to see Frank doodleling me on a paper.

''Uh FRANK!, What are you doing?''I asked

''Oh nothing,just drawing Gerard the retard''

''Or drawing Alice your crush!'' Wispered Gerard.

''Am not, we are just friends!'' said Frank.

''Theres the bell, time to go finally.'' I screamed

As Gerard,Ray,Bob,and Mikey went to go home Frank was waiting outside the door for me.He couldn`t like me. No one ever has.

''Hey,um Alice,can I talk to you?''

''Yeah sure,what do you need?''

''Ok I`m just gonna say it,um like you a lot.More than a friend and I was wondering if you would be my um,my...''

''Girlfriend?'' I finished.