The Day It Happened


''Uh,I don`t know.I mean I like you too but...''

''I understand if you don`t want to but if you can give me an answer after school,that would be cool.'' he looked at the ground.

''Here`s my number,and if you can tell me earlier thats o.k. too.''

He left with a sad look on his face. I loved him but I was scared that he would only like me and I would get to comfortable so he might leave me. I had no idea what I was going to do.

I walked home and opened the door and saw my mom laying on the floor with blood gushing from her head.

''Mom,are you o.k.?''

''Don`t worry, she`s fine'' I heard my dad say.

''But you might want to stay here with me, in case the killer comes back for you!''

I saw blood on his hands and ran as far as I could. I needed to go somewhere where I would be safe. Somewhere my dad didn`t know. FRANK.
I started to take out my phone and call his number.


''Frank,can you come get me,please?''

''Yeah,where are you at?''

''The school park,Please hurry!''

''O.k.,I`m coming!''

I sat there on the swing. It was raining really hard. Figures. Maybe I should go up for adoption. It`s not like my dad wants me or my mom. Maybe the parents would actually be nice or they could be just like my old ones. Might as well give it a try!

''What hapened?'' Frank asked coming up behind me and hugging me.

''My dad,he...he killed my mom!'' I said sobbing into his arm.


''There`s something I`ve never told you. My mom always did drugs when I was little and my dad would always yell at her about my safety so she went to rehab and never did it again,but I guess my dad caught her and his old anger came back.'' I cried.

''Here, I have an idea! Let`s go somewhere'' he said excited

He took my hand and we started to walk down the street. Lots of things were going through my head. My mom, my dad ,Frank. Would my dad ever find me?

''Sorry! I didn`t mean t...''

''It`s o.k.. Um you know that question you asked me? I`ve been thinking and my answer is yes!''

He picked me up and carried me all the way to where we were going.

''Is this the surprise?'' I asked

''Oh yeah!''

Frank gave a guy 2 tickets and we walked in to see Green Day playing on stage!

''Holy shit Frank,Thanks!''

''No prob, you are my girlfriend.''