The Day It Happened

Oh Yeah

After the show I learned that Frank gave us backstage passes.

''Welcome to the Green Day backstage!'' said the one and only Tre Cool.

''Tre, put pants on,please!'' said Mike

''Yeah no one wants to see your wee wee!''

''So what brings you two here?'' asked Billie.

''Well, you guys!'' Frank screamed.

''Frank Iero,never would have thought it was you!''Tre said finally covered up.

''I would have thought it was you!'' replied Frank.

Billie looked over at me.I looked at him.

''What?'' i asked.

''It looks like you have been crying a lot,It`s not Tre`s wee wee is it?!''

''It`s just my dad killed my mom and I`m thinking about going up for adoption.'' I answered.

''What`s your name?'' He asked.

''Alice Crudridge.''

I saw him write that down. Wonder why?

It was time to go, so Frank walked me to his house to spend the night.(nothing gross you sickos.)

I had decided with Frank that I was going up for adoption tomarrow.
But new parents would mean a new life.
Here we go again!