The Day It Happened

You adopt me?

Frank woke me up so we could go to the adoption place early. Today was the day that I would be available for freaks,losers,and jerks to adpot me. Or good people could adpot me. Yeah, just keep sayin` that.

When we got to the place it looked like China had blown the it up. Is there any other good places?

''Hello'' Said a lady. She looked like she had just got of the pot train,so I tried to stay as far from her as I could.

''I would like to put myself up for adoption.''

''And who would be your supporter?'' she asked.

"My boyfriend,Frank Iero!''

''Oh, the rockstar,well sign these papers,then we will send them out and if we get any responses then we will let you know!''

So I took the papers and Frank helped me fill them out and we gave them back to the pot train lady.

''Alice Crudridge? Somebody called looking for you. Do you know who would want to adopt you?'' the lady asked


''Oh,well thanks.''

As me and Frank walked home we started talking about random stuff.

''The red teletubbie would kick the purple ones assssssss!'' I said.

''The purple one would kick the red ones nuts!'' Frank laughed.

We got to Frank`s house and sat down on his couch to watch a movie.
His house was a medium sized mansion. On the inside it had red painted walls and his couch was dark blue.

''Frank I want to Jeepers Creepers!''

''Hell no, Nightmare Before Christmas!''

''But...'' I stamered

''Who`s house is this and who`s girlfriend are you?''

''Yours and yours!''

''Thank you''

He smiled and put the movie in and we sat down on the couch. After the first part I looked up at Frank. His hair was in his face. I still have no idea how I ended up with a guy like him. Luck I guess.
Frank had gone to sleep and was just about to when the phone started to ring.

''Alice,someone has called for you. If you could come tomarrow then you guys can talk and make your decision.'' It was the pot lady again.

''O.k. thanks!''

I hung up the phone and told Frank we would be leaving in the morning.
I wondered who would be wanting to adopt me?

I fell asleep in Franks arms, waiting to see what would happen tomarrow.