The Day It Happened

Today`s a new day!

'' Billie Joe, are you sure it`s okay with the rest of your family?'' I asked on the way to his house.

''They talked me into it''

''Yeah, don`t worry, it will be fine!'' Franks words helped a whole lot.

''Frank can stay over for dinner too, if he would like.''

''Hell yeah!''

As we drove up to the house I felt really nervous. Would Billie`s kids acutally like me and would his wife like me? Questions,questions.

''Welcome to paradise,where the air is cool and you meet babes like her!'' Billie pointed to his wife which I guessed was Adi.

''Hi'' I waved.

''Frank, hiiiiiiiii!!!!'' Joey and Jakob came running out of the house and jumped on Frank like he was a trampoline.

''Hey guys!''

''Who is this really pretty girl?'' asked Jakob.

''This is Alice, your new sister.''

''Yeah, so you can`t start liking her.'' wispered Billie. I saw Jakob`s face go red. Creepy.

''Come inside, you can have some cookies Jakob made for you!'' Adi said leading me inside.

''Hey, I made some too!'' Joey said.

So we went inside and had the cookies.
I could tell Jakob had already started to like me. He asked 10 times if I wanted to see his room.
After Adi took Joey and Jakob away to go shopping with her me and Frank started watching Edward Sissorhands.

''You guys are so pridictable.'' Billie stated.

''Yeah, we know!''

''And watch it with my son, don`t mislead him.'' Billie laughed.

''Tell your son to keep his fingers off my girlfriend!'' Frank said squeezing me.

''Frank, are.. you....trying to...kill me?''

''Oh, sorry!''

The rest of the day went good except for when Billie and Frank left me alone with Jakob and he started holding my hand.
So much for being a sister.

''You know Jakob,Frank`s my boyfriend''

''Oh, well you guys could break up and you can go out with a smart guy like me!'' He smiled.

''I doubt it'' I wispered.

I went back into the kitchen and Billie and Frank were laughing at me.

''Hey Billie, you son just asked me out and I think I might say yes!'' This got them to shut up.

''But your my girlfriend.''

''He called you stupid too.''

''What no, Iv`e just lost my girlfriend to her dads son!'' ''Nooo''

''Whatever Frank''

For the rest of the day we played tag and Of course I had to be on Jakobs team.
Frank got mad and he said he would spend the night so Jakob wouldn`t come in here.
So we went to bed and I saw Jakob about to come in my room but saw Frank on the floor and left. Thank God for Frank Iero.