Sequel: True Confessions

Lies 1-50

Damien, Revealed!

I can't say we weren't happy. Because, my Lord were we happy. We were like two year olds who had just discovered kissing, we were ecstatic and so overjoyed it was disgusting. Noah and I were sugar and spice and everything nice. It took us a few practices to get 'normal' again, where we could look at each other and not smile our faces off.

"Does this mean I'm the gazelle?" I asked one day while I was sitting near Noah with my head on his shoulder as we practiced for our gig at the Drag Queen bar we played at when we first got here.

"What?" Skinner asked.

"Well, you said Noah was the vampire, Levi was the werewolf, you were the clown, and Drake was the gazelle. Well now-"

"No, you're the Vampiress. You're like our mommy," Levi stated with a great big grin on his lips, "And when you have little bitty babies, they'll be Vampirates."

"Vampirates?" I asked.

"Yes, they will be new to the world and will be just discovering things... so they'll be pirates. They will also be baby vampires, so WA LAH! Vampirates!" Levi giggled his words.

"And what makes you assume we'll have kids?" I asked with my eyebrow up in the air.

"Oh cooome on. You'll have kids, we all know you will. You're two little disgusting love birds, you make me want to puke." Skinner stated after a particularly long, rough scream.

"Hey, be nice!" Noah said and stood up leaving my head pillow less.

He beat the crap out of his drum set for a few minutes and then flicked his wrists. I went over to him and kissed the top of his head. I bent down to pick up a few things left behind by Drake before he... died.

I told you, those boys never picked up the room and the place was a mess. We were going to pick out an apartment soon, just one more month in this scummy hotel and then we'd be on tour.

I saw the 'sugar' he snorted that night he came in and fought with us. My head started to swirl out and I felt my body going limp.

"Damien? Honey... come back to bed."

"Shit, you're so needy. I get off once a night, that's it."

"Yeah, per girl." I hissed in his direction. I knew he was cheating on me, I had known for quite awhile.

"Shut up and have some of this."

He shoved the coke under my nose and I did it with pleasure. My head spun on a wonderful high, my body was buzzing.

"Ohhh, babe you treat me so well."

We were in his apartment and I was having a moment of thoughts stuck on Alexander. Suddenly I was crying and Damien took me in his arms. He had been with me since Alex's death and he got me into drugs. He had always promised he'd always love me, but I knew he didn't. He swore he'd never leave me, but he did mentally after a few months.

"What's wrong hun?"

"I never wanted this life! I wanted my baby, that's all I ever wanted. I'm 20 and I'm a druggy sleeping with a pimp! What happened?" I sobbed into his shirt.

"You got a life," His arms ripped away from me viciously, "And if you don't want it, you can check out of my place and go to hell."

"THIS IS HELL!" I screached and pulled on my pants.

I walked out and slammed the door behind me, with the intent of checking into rehab. I've been clean for 2 years now, and the sight of the cocaine in that small bag made me sick.


My vision cleared and I saw them standing over me. Skinner took the bag and threw it in the trash behind us. "I don't want that in our house anymore," I said.

"Okay Charlotte. Never again, I swear. It was Drake's, you know that right?" Levi asked.

"Yeah I know."

I sat up and put my face in my hands. "Get rid of that. Now."

Skinner immediately took the garbage bag and put it outside for the garbage man to come get.

Noah put his arms around me just as our telephone rang, "Mrs. Stither?"

"No." Levi said.

"Is she there?"

He handed the phone to me and said, "For you."

"Who is it?"

"The realtor."

"Oh. Hello?" I put the phone to my ear and waited for her voice to respond.

"Hello Mrs. Stither. I've found a house that matches your standards. Four bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathrooms. Can you come check it out tonight t around... 4?"

"Uh, let me ask.... Guys is four okay?"

"Uh... Char that's when our gig starts..." Noah said.

"Could we skip it?"

"It's good cash," he whined.

"Arg, I know, but this is a good place. Please?"

"Ahhhhhhh! Let me call the owner..." He said with that giving in tone of his.

"THANKS YOU SOOOO MUCH! Yes, we'll be there." I said into the phone.

"Great, I'll have the house ready. The address is 55 West Lane. In Canton... Good?"

"Great. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

We hung up and I wrote down the address on my hand so I could remember it. I always lost papers.

We got ready according to the clock and I drove us out to the address. "Mrs. Stither?" The realtor asked as we approached the house.

"HAAAAAAA!" Levi shrieked.

Noah punched him in the side and gave him evil eyes.

"Yes." I said.

"Well come in! Here is the bedroom..."

The whole thing was quite boring to me, but I pretended I was listening anyway. In the end, we all liked the house and we decided we'd take it.

"WE'VE GOT A HOUSEEEEEE!" Skinner screamed.

We all laughed in return.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is extra long for all of my lovlies!