
Raindrops&Sunshowers 1


"So what movie do you want to watch?"

I sighed deeply hesitating over the movie posters before me. Most of the movies I saw would probably bore me a bit, there was hardly a selection to choose from if you make three movies ok, bad thing about living in a small town. Though I observed each poster to choose my answer, they had Halloween, not the original sadly, Balls of Fury, and a movie I didn’t dare pronounce.

"Uh, I don't really know yet." I admitted.

He stared into my eyes deeply as if trying to get me in a trance. He flashed a smile. I flashed one back. Not as sharp as his, but it was good enough; Just so you know my teeth aren’t the best. Not complete like English but as if getting there. A bit crooked, from no braces. Parsley yellowness, from the coffee I drink practically everyday. His arms then curled around my body as if keeping me warm and safe from any danger that might occur out of nowhere.

"So instead of watching a movie and all-" His voice came to a pause. I waited patiently. “We could just- maybe go to my place. You cool with that?"

He gave me a wink. My smile automatically vanished into thin air, as if someone I knew for a long time lied to me all my life. He stood there with his arms still around me wearing a goofy smile. I pushed his arms off me as I stood in front of him. My mouth opened a bit as I became into a dramatic state. I crinkled my nose at the thought of what he would want and placed my hands firmly on my hips exhaling hard; this meaning was that I was annoyed, I mean I just met the guy for crying out loud.

"Excuse me?" there was fury in my voice heading in his direction.

His eyes still set on me with that smile intact. As if he didn’t hear me. Then a response soon came afterwards.

"Well you know what I mean right, Right?"
“………” I said nothing.

He laughed a laugh that could be probably heard from a mile away since it was so loud. He put his hands on my shoulders pulling me close as he tried to kiss my neck. I scoffed and shoved him off me. He stepped back a few feet in confusion of my moodiness.

"I believe I do." I finally said to him. He also scoffed as he snickered as if this was all a joke. We stood in silence for two minutes and 3 second’s. How do I know you may ask? I actually counted. I began to stumble over my words, and then picked one that would rather fit him perfectly, "Asshole!"

I then grabbed the medium sized Pepsi cup and poured it over his head. With his shirt soaked from the soda as was his head he still managed to cry out, "Baby!"
I turned around slowly and gave him the stare that could tell a million stories with just one glance. Then some words came out as if they were just flooding out of a river.
"God just shut the FUCK up. If you want to get laid so badly then go suck you own mother’s fucking cock you fucking dick head." His mouth opened a bit, not wanting to seem so shocked. I vanished to the outside world.
And to let things be clear, I hardly curse only if I’m mad or excited.


I sat down quietly after I told this story to a friend of mine.
Myckenzie sat astonished shaking her head at the dark blue court yard tables that played ‘Peek-a-Boo’ with you skin when you sat upon it. She only had one words to say that I would have to agree on, “Pervert.”
“I Agree.”


Ah, now for you little women and men around the world, Myckenzie is actually my only friend. Considered a freak yet honestly a decent person to approach; Myckenzie as hazel blue eyes that are covered by her black and white thick rimmed classes, though even if she took her glasses off her thick black eyeliner on the bottom and top eyelid stylized with colorful eye shadow here and there. But, Myckenzie is rather a mere genius and very creative. Her stories and drawings are random as hell. For example, a genius and humorous line she used sounded like, “The sun came down as a fat sumo-wrestler.”

Ok so that was me, but she did say something to me like, a couple of days ago saying I was an Old man needing his covers.

Yes very random, yet very amazing. As today this Myckenzie is wearing slim fit band tee. What band? The Smiths, a black tee that has a picture of Morrissey on the front, his eyes closed with his face to the side as if he just had gotten slapped yet liked the sting. Matching this shirt she is wearing neon blue skinny jeans ending with black and white flats from vans. Her hair today is black with blonde on the side, the blonde is hidden a bit within the black and the length goes to the back of her neck. She usually changes her hair every couple of months yet this year she relaxing with this style. Her neon skinnies match her eye shadow and black eyeliner the covers her top eye lid almost completely, yet like always covered with her rimmed glasses; though next to me I’m the exact opposite.

My hair is a natural dark chestnut brown that seems to end between my chest and rib cage with layers all around, and bangs that seem too swift slightly over my green cat looking eyes. Unlike Myckenzie I wear no glasses, no matter how much I like them either. Today I simply wear a slim fit, black colored v-neck, acid wash jeans, with my, oh so old and holey black high top converse. And my eyes have a hint of massacre and eyeliner on my top lid only, ending in a curve on the end. Oh yes did I also mention that next to Myckenzie, an almost hour glass shape I have nothing. My size B does not compare to her unknown size with my size 0 and her size juicy, though this part does not much matter.


I observed the court yard that was surrounded by the brick buildings of our last year of high school. Windows almost on every wall made sun leak into the classrooms, yet also hid behind the tall oak trees that the school tried to get rid off but lost over the protest. Though the school is rather old and disturbing in Myckenzie’s opinion, it matches with the dark blue tables and seats with the cement floor. My eyes followed the so called details of the school till my eyes met him.

Who was him? Was it the him that leaned on the dark blue table from across the yard eye balling the women I know I could never be, my dreams shattered knowing my crush wouldn’t dare lay just one finger on me. Myckenzie noticed my slight change in expression already knowing who I was looking at.

"Have your eyes on a special someone, maybe finally someone new this time?" Her voice was persuading me to tell if it was or not. I ignored her at all cause. “Is it Wesley still?” She said in a tone that she obviously knew it was him, “Trust me I can tell." She smiled and started to drink the water in front of her.

That’s another thing that makes Myckenzie unique. Soda isn’t for this girl; water is all she needs now and days.

I started twitching which automatically gave it away.

Twitching is something I do when someone says something that is embarrassing to me letting the person automatically know that they are right.

"Mm- Hmm." She replied to my twitch laughing to her self softly.

”Huh? Oh no, no, someone new today, definitely.” Trying to sound as convincing as I could I desperately tried to lead her into another direction yet my tone didn’t match my plan. She also knew I lied especially by another twitch that came afterwards.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" She looked at me with an expression almost telling me I was a stupid fool for not doing what she just told me.

"No!" I yelled out, most of the people next to us could hear our little conversation and slowly turned to stare, then looked away. “No.” I said much more quietly, “Besides, He wouldn't be interested in a girl like me any way’s."

She just rolled her eyes. “How would you know?" I looked at her. And thought of something she would get over really quick.

"Well..." I began. "Ok, well remember when I had to go home.” she stopped me mid-way.

"Wow I would of never guessed which day, even though you go home when you want." I groaned at her sarcastic tone. “Even if you’re not sick you would actually leave me for a stu-“

I then cut her off, "It was on a Wednesday, October 12 in the 9th grade." She had a confused expression on her face. I paused in my story to let her say something,”How in the hell would you re-“
I cut her off again and continued my story again, “Well I finally talked to him.”

She leaned in closer to listen to what I was about to say as if already intrigued in my little tale.

"Well, let’s just say that when I talked to him something came out of my mouth instead of words." I gulped, thinking about her reaction.


It wasn't all that bad. She laughed for about 10 minutes straight. Couldn't breathe; had water; then unfortunately laughed again.

I stared at him, looking at all of his movements. How his hair flew in the new school year air. How he studied only the pretty girls. Not including me of course. Myckenzie just then finished her laugh attack and told that since it was a New Year I should try to make it happen. She went on.

I kept on looking, as if I was stalking him with my eyes. His face shined in the sun, not in the oily way like most guys I seen in today’s world, but in sort of natural way. A girl then passed him; Short, short mini shirt of course. His kind of girl, wearing a revealing shirt, low enough to show her bra strap and her chest that was popping out of the bra. Her figure indicated that she obviously worked out in order to get such a bod. He winked at her. I read his mouth, "Hey sexy thang." his lips made. She just winked back at him as she walked away. He looked at her head to toe mostly at the butt and chest. He then faced in my direction. I gave a soft grin trying to show him some body language, keeping in mind what Myckenzie had said.

I turned around. I knew he was smiling a sexy smile at me, until I knew what he was looking at. Wow embarrassing, I thought to myself. I rolled my eyes and exhaled. Myckenzie saw.


I yawned at her question. She shoved telling me to tell her or she would push me off.
She pushes me off things, not like a building though so it’s good.

"Well Wes smiled at me. I smile back. Turn around. Smiling at another girl I see."

"Oh, wow, harsh." She turned around and saw it was a girl named Melissa. We made puke faces while walking off from the dark blue table we just got up from. Myckenzie stuck her middle finger out at her with her tongue out. I laughed slapping my knee loudly.

Ok now who was Melissa? A beautiful, figured Hispanic that doesn’t seem to have any limits. Not much but a gorgeous women only made for drugs and sex.


We began walking into the hallways of the school. The just waxed white floors squeaked under our shoes that we wore repeatedly in the last years, lockers, the colors of a type of hawk, was blue and green rusting away at the cheap stake owners of the school not wanting to pay up. The brick still layered around the school yet still surprisingly held posters up for upcoming rallies and things preps usually went to.

Though I still listened to Myckenzie and her plan on how she would figure a way for me and my crush to become one I watched everyone else silently. I noticed the friends I once knew in middle school that now turned the other way as I waved to them due to how ‘weird’ I am. Eyes set on Myckenzie and me for how they thought of us as aliens, or a deadly disease with no cure. I paid no attention to the giggles I heard from others in the hall at the way we looked.

The poor little ninth graders walked hesitatingly to one class to another, desperately trying to open their lockers afraid to ask for help. It’s interesting on how awkward they dressed in my eyes. The tenth graders seem to talk to the eleventh graders they knew from the year before some of them got separated. Leaning up against the rusty lockers were more eleventh graders waiting for them to be the kings of the hallways. The gods of the school, meaning the twelve, walked to the classes chatting with others as their shoes squeaked with everyone else’s.

Myckenzie and I still walked slowly to our class to think up this so called plan slash operation. And remember, slowly. Then I noticed another thing. I never realized how terrible the students were here. I lifted my head a bit to look at foggy smoke that leaked out of the bathroom ahead of me. Little laughter’s emerged from the bathroom that might lead to couples locking lips already. The teachers smiled and hugged others in the office, some already complaining to the principle, and only a few walked the halls not caring of the smoke that died down once they reached the other end of the hall way.

Turning to the right of the hallway out of the long hallway of lockers and soda machines meeting doors filled with kids already. I pulled out my schedule, motion to Myckenzie for hers. Damn, she had computers again and Physical Ed on B-Days. I looked at our main courses, separation during only two more. Our English class was a door down from us now, she now stopped talking as I handed her schedule. She opened the door giving me and awkward smile as she saw the class was already filled. Eyes followed us again as we walked in cautiously. Though then a pair of eyes seem to stick out more then the rest, I inhaled and tapped Myckenzie’s shoulder.

She turned to me, "What?” she tried to walk as if she wasn't just talking to me, though her skills didn’t knock the teacher off guard. I quickly told her the news.

"Wesley is over there." I pointed to him, the seat next to him already taken. I sighed.

"Uh- well-", Myckenzie thought of the right words in her head forgetting of her plan about to open her mouth but stopped suddenly.

The teacher came before her and looked at her wide-eyed. She jolted back. He stood as he was. “Find a seat, or, I'll find one for you."

He pointed to the other side of the room next to a kid named Billy. She walked like a dog with a tail in between her legs. I stood alone. He studied my movement. And gave me a look which I thought was pretty stupid.

This man obviously had no sleep in the past days, probably stressing over the fact the wedding ring he showed off last year to the other men seemed to be missing. His hair was probably once flowed in the wind but now it would probably blow away. His corn chowder colored suit looked like a baby barfed a matching tie and dark brown shoes that only my grandfather would wear. I bit my lip keeping my mouth shut.

"Would you like to sit down Miss?" I looked at him with confusion from his words. I gladly smiled sucking in my thin lips now.

"Yes, yes I would. Thank you." I stood motionless. He waited.

"Go find a seat." He replied. I looked around the room. He continued.

"Mr. Evans please go sit with Rachel, now!" I was still looking when he yelled. He straightened his jacket. "Just sit next to Mr. Woodstock for now."

"Sure.” My ‘sure’ seemed to roll as he walked in the other directions though I only thought of the name in my head on how it sounded so familiar, though the name also made me giggled. It was like the type of Woodstock from the 60’s. I gave a warm smile thinking of the 60’s eyeing the tags looking for the last name as if I was in kindergarten again. I scratched my neck till I finally found the name and the seat next to this young man. I blushed and said something I knew I would regret.

Wesley. I sighed actually a bit disappointed, he gave me a slight wave as I sat down smiling strangely. Though I only that one sentence in my head, “It sucks to have a name like you.” I used a serious tone without trying which made him give me the glare I gave the very day before. Pink shaded my cheeks even more knowing I may never have a chance till I leaned back noticing him staring as I stared at the ceiling. I mumbled something trying to make him laugh as my hand stretched out.

''I like pie."

The teacher called my name.

"Alison?" He called, I looked around. "Caskey..."

My eyes widened.”Wha-"

"Question? Your hand was up."

"Um I was stretching. Sorry."

"You mumbled."

I sat still. Thinking of what I had said. Then I realized.

"Oh yeah, I said, “I like pie.""

He looked at me weirdly. I knew he wanted me to repeat, so I did, "I said," I like pie."" He looked confused even more. Students laughed in the background. I sat as if I didn't know what I said.

"Transvestite.” a guy said under his breath, the laughs grew louder.

"Cereal!" someone shouted.

Then the class was roaring. The teacher's face was growing redder and redder each second. Students didn't notice. Myckenzie face was full of redness from chocking on laughter, with Billy next to her.

“I’m gay!” he screamed out loud. Silence.

“Really? “ Myckenzie said astonished.

He scoffed and chuckled under his breath, “NO!! “
We all laughed again.

Ok Billy Corgan. We never really talked to him but he is an acquaintance to us so he is still good to talk to, we’ve known him since the eleventh grade. He was the class clown for a while till a nasty rumor went around. Sadly people didn’t talk him to much for a couple of months. Wesley sat for a bit but laughed along. As I stood out of my chair, just to stand.

"Be quiet!" The teacher yelled out, the crowed went to a hush.

I sat down,

He began again. "This is the 12th grade!"

People’s lips still moved ignoring the teacher. I smile at Wesley who smiled, finally, back at me. I glanced at Myckenzie who smirked as if she was sitting next to me in class like the years in elementary.

“You’re funny.” He said as he began to pick up his pencil and books. I blushed a bit.


As I walked home today Wesley’s words moved around in my head. The first day was overwhelming; went better then last years for sure. I smirked to myself knowing Myckenzie’s plan would work. If they didn’t, I would die. My hands then rummaged through my pocket finding my too-many-times dropped neon blue Ipod. I shoved the small ear phones in my ears under my hair. Radiohead blasted in my ears, my hand going in a circular pattern to turn the volume down. These lyrics then entered my ears with such perfect rhythm.

”I wish I was special, But I’m a creep. I’m a weirdo”.

I inhaled relaxed; my eyes closing revealing my black eye liner from MAC. My arms stretched outward on both of my sides, the breeze now hitting my hair like how it hit Wesley’s. I began to hum the lyrics tapping my hands on my legs as I claimed the sidewalk, my eyes opening about to sing until my eyes widened.

A man in at least his twenties ran into my shoulder. He mumbled something as my headphones fell out of my years. I grunted in anger, “God. Can’t you say sorry?” I said shoving one ear piece in my right ear. My eyes were set on my Ipod then turned to face this guy. Who did he think he was? My eyes wondered to his face, his eyes then staring into mine, so hard like he could see right through me, his eyes were also hazel; my expression relaxed.

His hair was like a contrast compared to his pale peach skin, a dark brown that ended on the back of his neck with little bangs. His hair was growing out and it worked on this guy I had to say. I studied his face more as seconds flew by. His pale pink lips were the reflection in my eyes now; a lip ring aligned the right side of it. Something I’ve been wanting for years, yet my dad still wouldn’t approve. He also had a nose ring, interesting. With the short sleeved navy blue plain shirt I saw his tattoo sleeve. I already liked his style; he dressed a little plain, but yet had an edge. In his right hand he held a guitar case. He turned his head, my eyes fluttered embarrassed for staring at him for so long. I awkwardly began to walk again, my brows narrowed in confusion. I suddenly didn’t care anymore that he didn’t apologize.
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This is only the first chapter; and since i did get some comments I'll update it. Please tell if you hate it or not, I would want an honest opinion. I've been working mega hard believe it or not. Thanks for reading this :)