Status: FOR KENS <3

With This Ring

Chapter One

McKenna sighed, stretching out languidly. Light streamed through the curtains of the hotel room, shining right into her eyes. She let out a frustrated sound as she pulled her head under the pillow without opening her eyes, although the pillow didn’t help the fact that the way too bright sunlight was giving her a headache. Maybe I shouldn’t have had so much red wine Kenna thought to herself. She snuggled more into the bed, noticing it was warmer than usual. Suddenly, something very warm and very heavy that smelled at lot like sweat and leather wrapped itself around her slender waist. She immediately froze. What the hell? She thought to herself. She started to flip over to her other side, where her spooner would be (she being the spoonee?), but she then froze. What if she woke him up?

Well, I’m going to have to take that chance. She slowly rolled over, and her breath caught in her throat. Lying beside her was a devilishly handsome man. The first thing she noticed was his dark, curly hair. It was the kind of hair that made you want to run your fingers through it. Looks like I’ve already done that, Kenna thought dryly to herself. He looked like a little kid lying on the bed, mouth slightly open, curls flying every which way. But he definitely didn’t have the body of a little kid. She could see the outlines of muscles through the sheets, a long wiry frame that made a girl stop and stare. He looked fantastic, chest and abs exposed, sheet hanging low enough on his hips to nearly be obscene. She felt herself starting to flush. Stop ogling at him and go! She tore herself way from and got dressed, making sure not to wake up this fantastically gorgeous man.

With one last look at her mystery suitor, Kenna ran. She received curious looks from of the older people mingling in the hotel hallways, and she felt slightly ashamed. She tried to recall how many cups of wine she had consumed and the lost count after three. Her mind flashed back to the man, wondering where she had seen him before. She knew she’d seen him somewhere, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember at all. After running down the hall to her own hotel room she decided she had to call someone. Had to tell someone. This wasn’t her normal routine-she wasn’t a wham bam thank you ma-am type. This was not something she did. With shaky fingers, she dialed the familiar number. After a few intense moments of ringing, the voice floated to the other end of the line.

"Yeah Kens?" A very sleepy Tyler asked on the other end of the line.

"Oh my God Ty, I made a horrible mistake."

"What happened?" She seemed very interested now, maybe because she can sense her best friends feelings on the phone. Kenna sounded stressed. Ty knew that that was probably not a good thing, since she was 3000 miles away from her best friend.

"Well last night I drink a little too much red wine, and well, I woke up in a strange hotel room with a man in my bed. Naked. Ty, I’m not really sure what to do." Kenna tried her hardest to remember who that was. His face look so familiar, she was sure she’d seen him somewhere, but she couldn’t remember where.

"Seriously Kens?" Ty said, not unkindly. She could hear Patrice asking her what was wrong in the background. "What does he look like?"

Suddenly it all came to Kenna-the curly hair, the wiry frame, the sharp nose. Kenna gulped so loud she was sure Tyler could hear it.

"Ty," Kenna said, her voice shaking "I slept with Tuukka Rask."
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Hey lovelies! Thanks for your interest in a fic I'm writing for one of my best friends. I reply to every comment I get, so just leave your thoughts and I'll reply! Thanks! xoxo-Tyler