Status: slowly but surely

Dear Emma

2 / 4 / 2009

Dear Emma,

I know it's been a while since I last wrote and we had the one-sided communication, but I've been quite busy being sixteen. For example, earlier this morning I skipped school and got a piercing. A bar, through the top of my left ear. It's throbbing still, and while I was there I inquired about tattoos. I'm not allowed to get one for another few years at least, but I can hop to either New South Wales or Queensland (I can't remember which, or maybe both) and get one now.

I have a few designs in mind, and one of them would definitely include you somehow. Anyway, enough of my babbling on about tattoos and piercings. It's a Monday, and I quite like them actually.

It's a fresh start, really. Leaving off the remains of the weekend, knowing you've got another week to screw with. By the time you get this though, it'll probably be a Sunday. Heed my words. Start afresh and embrace the day. It's the only Sunday the 8th of March 2009 you'll get. No second chances on this one.

I also got a job in the short four month time period. School was over for the year, places were looking to hire over Chrissy. Luckily, I did such a good job they decided to keep me on. I've got pretty good hours at the moment, but I'm thinking of dropping them, or quitting altogether. No reason, except maybe schoolwork.

- A friend.


They were less formal this time around, and seemed to have something on their mind, like it was bothering them. It didn't seem unusual for them to send a letter a few months later. But now, they haven't written for almost a year. It's scaring me, to be quite honest. Hopefully they're just busy, busy being almost twenty one and all. I hear its an action packed year, and they'll need to prepare for the changes.

But that doesn't stop my worry.