Pushing the Limits

Chapter 1

It’s the second week of my senior year. I’m at school early, like always. I’m sitting on the mildly wet grass, underneath my favorite oak tree at the front of my high school, Dalesworth High. This has been my spot since freshman year. As usual, I’m writing in my purple journal. Inside are my thoughts, feelings, and imaginative fantasies. I’ve had this journal since I was nine. I’m not sure why I kept it, but it has been my best friend ever since. Actually, my only friend.

I stopped having friends after an ugly breakup with my best friend, Melanie, in 3rd grade. It was over something stupid. It was the first day of 3rd grade, and our teacher let us pick a partner of the opposite gender. At that time, we both liked a guy named Kyle. We both knew we wanted to be partners with him. I was the faster one. I went up to him a few seconds before she did. She claimed she was there first. We fought. Physically. Over a 3rd grade boy. We were sent to the principal’s office, and later sent home because our skin was bleeding, and our faces bruised. We never spoke to each other after that. And after all that, I learned that it was hard to make friends, especially ones that will stick by me and stay true till the end.

I glance down at my blue, vintage watch. It’s 8:00 AM. This is the time when most of the students arrive to school. Well, it was nice having some alone time. Now it’s time to face reality. School has been awful. Everyone here is so different from me. They’re all rich, loud, and snobby. I’m the only one here who’s poor and quiet. My parents forced me to come here because they think I’ll receive a good education. All the education I’ve gotten is the latest fashion from the girls and the hottest cars of the year from the guys.

Every day, I try my best to avoid eye contact with people at school. It’s obvious I’m the one loner girl who has zero friends. I’m used to it but it still hurts to know that sad truth. I was made fun of the whole year as a freshman, and every day I would come home crying. My parents were so busy working that they didn’t notice how I was doing at school until near the end of the year. That made me so mad that I almost left home permanently.

Now that I’m a senior, I’m excited to leave. I’m not sure if college is where I want to be headed, but I know I want to just leave. Maybe travel to exotic new places. Learn about different cultures. Discover unknown mysteries. I don’t know yet.

The bell for first period rings. My first class is English. I have to walk through two halls to get there. I only look at the ground when I’m walking, to avoid eye contact with people. This is how I always walk at school. There is major traffic at the second hall. There always is. I have to stop every few seconds, waiting for others to pass by first.

When I’m stopped suddenly, I see a pair of black combat boots next to my beat-up green Converse. No one here ever wears boots like those. I’m curious to know who’s wearing them. I look up, and my mouth slightly drops open. In front of me is the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen. At least at this school. He’s dressed in all black. The one thing that stands out most about him is his electric blue hair, sticking out of his black beanie. He doesn’t seem to notice me. I’m unable to study all his features because the traffic stops and I have to keep moving.