Jack Frost Untold


Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. He was quite the prankster and always managed to put a smile on the children’s faces and bring a giggle to their lips, until one day a tragic accident occurred. Jack had a younger sister, Hannah, whom he loved to pieces. That day she insisted on going ice skating, so her and Jack set out alone to the small pond in the forest. All was fun and games until Hannah got stuck on a piece of breaking ice. Jack managed to save her by playing a game of “hopscotch“, but at the cost of his own life. While tossing his sister from the ice he fell through and got trapped. Thus Jack Frost was born, but no memory of his previous life remained. Not only that but he was invisible to everyone he passed. The only clue he had to who he was were a few whispered words from the moon that night as he came to be who he is today.

For the past 400 years Jack, frozen at the age of 17, has been taking it upon himself to enroll in different schools throughout the ages. Not for the benefit of an education (of course not, what use was an education to him) but out of pure boredom. Although the students & teachers were always completely oblivious to his being there, no one was oblivious to the trouble he caused. A slick of ice here to send someone flying into another Student’s desk or worse, papers sent flying following a sudden burst of frigid air, frost covering the lockers on a warm afternoon (often times causing them to freeze shut). It was little things like this that kept Jack going, kept him from remembering how lonely he was. That and the Children. For as far back as he could remember, bringing joy to children (through mischief of course) always filled him with a sense of fulfillment. Still, Jack wanted nothing more than to be seen, to be heard, to feel wanted. Sure, every once in awhile he’d get a visit from the tooth faerie and occasionally crossed paths with the ever bothersome Easter Bunny, but it wasn’t the same and they could never understand. They had a purpose, people believed in them and children loved them. They weren’t just a passing thought on a cold day.

Fast Forward to present time and Jack has just “enrolled” himself in his latest high school, the first one he’s attended in nearly 10 years. For a few days everything went as always, never seen but always noticed either by his pranks or for the chill that followed his presence. That is until a short red haired girl, whom Jack had never seen before, passed him in the hallway. That was the day everything changed. That was the day someone looked up and saw him.
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So this is the first chapter c: I have a few more typed up but I want to see how this chapter does. Comments are always welcome and encouraged! They motivate me I suppose, this is however this is my first actual story I'm posting here besides my cat & mouse short story
Hopefully you guys like it! <3<3<3