Status: In Progress

I'm in Love With Poisoning

Do I Wanna Know?

We walked back to the stage they previously played on. Backstage, on the couch, I saw Andy sitting with Alex on the couch. They hadn’t seen Jack or me yet. I suddenly remembered that I wasn’t wearing any underwear! I grabbed Jack forcefully and dragged him into a bathroom.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
I pulled my underwear out of my back pocket and shook it in his face.
“Ohhhh, I see now.” He said, realizing the situation.
I unbuttoned my shorts and was about to pull them down, when I realized that Jack was still looking at me.
“Hey, sly guy. I see you watching me. Turn around.”
“C’mon Claire, it’s not like I haven’t seen anything. I saw everything.” He said the last part with a wink.
“I don’t care. Turn around.”
He obliged and turned into a corner.
“So, about what you told Zack, how did he react?”
“He was fine. He knew I had a thing for you, so he didn’t really care.”
“How long has this ‘thing for me’ been going on?” I asked slyly.
“Since I saw you.” He said softly.
I turned around and saw Jack blushing like mad and looking down at the floor. The way he had his hands stuffed in his pockets, not wanting to look me in the eye, made my heart swell. He really did like me. This just made the whole Andy thing a whole lot harder. Who would I choose? I really like Jack, because he makes me feel alive and fun. We really get along and he always has something interesting or funny to say. And he really knows how to turn me on. But on the other hand, Andy makes me feel safe and special and knows how to cheer me up when I’m feeling down about myself. And those cheekbones, dear lord those cheekbones. And if only he knew how those eyes made my heart melt. I knew this made me sound like a spoiled brat, but I didn’t know which guy I liked more.
I walked over to Jack and put my arms around his neck. He put his gently on my waist. We just stood there, looking into each other’s eyes. I was mesmerized. His eyes looked so gentle and calm. I wanted to stay like this forever. Then, I snapped out of it.
“We’re supposed to be with the guys!” I said, shaking all thoughts of Jack from my head. If I was going to see Andy I had to make sure I wasn’t thinking about another guy.
We walked back to the guys, who were now sprawled on the couches. Rian and Zack had joined them, along with Ashley and Mike. They were all just talking about music, and the tour. When Andy spotted me, his eyes lit up.
“Claire! There you are! What happened? The guys said you disappeared.”
I quickly glanced at Zack. He hadn’t said anything. He was saving my ass. I gave him a look that said “thank you” and looked back to Andy.
“Oh, Jack wasn’t feeling well after the set, so I took him to the bus to get a bottle of water and to get him out of the heat.” I said calmly, my heart racing in my chest. I hoped to god that he wouldn’t see through my lie. The rest of the boys went back to their conversations, leaving just Andy and I. Jack hand gone to sit on the floor beside Mike.
“Oh, cool. Oh, and you must’ve left your sweater here.” He said, holding up the black sweater he had given me earlier. I had totally forgot about that. I was boiling during the set, so I had to take it off.
“Oh, thanks. It was just getting too hot.”
“That’s fine. So, do you wanna hang out at my bus, ya know, just the two of us?” Andy said, with a small smirk and a glint in his eye. Ugh, those eyes made me want to melt.
“Yeah, sure. That would be great.” I said, trying to be seductive.
“Great, let’s go.” He grabbed me by the waist and we started walking off. He turned back to tell Ashley that we would be in the bus, so he should find another place to hang out later. He said that part sort of loud, so I knew everyone heard. I looked at Jack, and his face said it all. He was hurt. But what could I do? I couldn’t just cut Andy out. I looked back at Zack too. He just shook his head; it almost looked like he was disappointed in me. Why were they all acting weird?
Andy held my waist tighter, and we started to walk off. He looked down at me, with a look of love and glee. I tried to mimic the same look, but my heart wasn’t in it.
We got back to the bus and we sat down on the couch. We were facing each other, sitting cross-legged, just staring into each other’s eyes. Andy reached his hands up to my face, and caressed my cheeks. He pulled me in and kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... I got a few comments saying they liked the story, so I decided to update it on the last day of break. I really would like some inspiration and motivation for the next few chapters. I'm not sure where I want the story to go, or what types of people the characters should be. Feel free to send me a message if you would like to contribute. Support would be great :)

Title: Do I Wanna Know -Arctic Monkeys